Taken from the book, THE BIBLE HAS THE ANSWER, by Henry M. Morris, the following is reprinted for the blessed Easter season by permission of the author and of The Craig Press. Dr. Morris is Director of the Creation Science Research Center and Academic Vice-President of Christian Heritage College, San Diego, California. The bodily resurrection […]
By permission, this article, “Is Christmas Pagan or Christian?” is reprinted from The Bible Has the Answer by Dr. Henry M. Morris (The Craig Press, Nutley, New Jersey 07110. 256 pp. $4.50, paperback $3.25. Dr. Morris is Director of Creation-Science Research Center in San Diego, California, and Academic Vice-President of Christian Heritage College. There is […]
According to the established system of historical geology, the history of the earth is divided into a number of geological ages. The earth is supposed to have evolved into its present basic structure about five billion years ago. Certain increasingly complex chemicals in the primeval ocean, acted upon by electrical forces in the atmosphere, acquired […]
June 5, 1964 TORCH AND TRUMPET Breton Village Grand Rapids, Michigan Dear Editor: The well-nigh blanket endorsement of The Twilight oj Evolution given in a forward under the general signature, Reformed Fellowship, and the unqualified endorsement by R. J. Rushdoony in a TORCH AND TRUMPET book review tend to give the layman the impression that […]
In introducing the papers in the three-volume work on evolution stemming from the 1959 Darwinian Centennial Convention in Chicago, Sir Julian Huxley eulogizes Darwin as follows: Charles Darwin has rightly been described as the “Newton of biology”: he did more than any single individual before or since to change man’s attitude to the phenomena of […]