A Look at Books

BOOKS RECEIVED (Books received from the publishers for mention and/or review –John Vander Ploeg) DEATH BEFORE BIRTH by Harold O. J. Brown: 168 pages; Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers; $5.95: “a book which looks at all sides of the abortion problem . . . .” THE SHAKING OF ADVENTISM by Geoffrey J. Paxton; 172 pages; Baker […]

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THE NECESSITY OF FAITH, by Harvey M. Kuitert. Eerdmans, 1976, 159 pp., $2.95. Reviewed by Professor William Young, Department of Philosophy, University of Rhode Island. This little book is an index of the rapid and radical inroads of apostasy on the part of theological, ecclesiastical and publishing institutions which only a few decades ago were […]

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Another Magazine: Why?

This is a reprint of the first article in the first issue of our magazine which came out as Torch and Trumpet, April–May 1951. Board members who fead it recently observed how well it described the situation that prompted our organization and printing venture and the objectives that they sought to achieve. After the lapse […]

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That URC – A Look Around Us

Recently at church, a good friend drew me aside and said, “The URC (United Reformed Church) is an old man‘s movement.” Then he added that he himself was going on eighty-five and that he had no more fight left in him. A bit doggedly I countered by stating my conviction that the URC is God‘s movement. […]

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Should the CRC now decide to make the office of deacon available to women? This is not merely a theoretical or abstract question, but rather it is practical and very urgent right now. Why? Because the 1978 CRC Synod is faced with a recommendation from a study committee that this now be done. The committee on Women […]

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The Banner: We Beg to Differ

For the following reasons I feel compelled to protest against the anonymous article, “I Had a Struggle,” in The Banner of February 24, 1978. 1. First – the article is an open, although anonymous, attack on what the Bible teaches. Note carefully the following excerpts from what the anonymous writer says; a. As to creation […]

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Letter to the Editor

ABOUT A “UNITED REFORMED CHURCH” My editorial in July on “Desideratum – A United Reformed Church” called forth a measure of response to which, due to circumstance, attention has not been given until now. At the outset the editorial stated: “An exciting prospect” – Suppose that in God’s gracious providence the day would dawn when […]

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A Look at Books

1978 DAILY MANNA DEVOTIONS. Edited by Rev. Timothy M. Mousma. Published by Nelson Christian Book Store, 2007 Eastern Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. $4.95. An Indian of high caste once said to a missionary: “If you Christians in India, in Britain, or in America were like your hook, you would conquer India in live […]

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