Packer, J.I. | Article Authors | The Outlook Magazine Packer, J.I. – The Outlook Magazine

REVIVAL OF INTEREST IN CALVIN One of the most striking facts about the British theological scene is the revival of interest in Calvin over the past fifteen years. Since 1949 the Institutes has been back in print and, despite the inferiority of Beveridge’s translation, selling well. We have also had English editions of the 1537 Instruction […]

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An Initial Response to the Suk Editorial

In the October 3, 1994 Banner of the Christian Reformed Church, editor John Suk wrote an editorial entitled: “Inerrancy: Let’s Not Use the Term.” In this article the editor attempts to show that inerrancy is a fundamentalistic idea which zealots borrowed and adapted from secular philosophy. Pitting the apostle John against the apostle Paul, and theologians […]

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The following statements of evangelical belief are offered as material for dialogue between Roman Catholics and Evangelicals, as a follow up on the recently published document, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium,” drafted by Richard John Neuhaus and Charles Colson with others. We the undersigned offer this response in a […]

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