DE DINGEN DIE ONS VAN GOD GESCHONKEN ZIJN. Catechism Sermons on the 52 Lord’s Days of the Heidelberg Catechism. Author B. Holwerda. Reviewed by John De Pater, Escalon, California. This book of sermons will become of great value to Reformed Christians in America with its forthcoming translation in the English language to be published by […]
THE NECESSITY OF FAITH, by Harvey M. Kuitert. Eerdmans, 1976, 159 pp., $2.95. Reviewed by Professor William Young, Department of Philosophy, University of Rhode Island. This little book is an index of the rapid and radical inroads of apostasy on the part of theological, ecclesiastical and publishing institutions which only a few decades ago were […]
Do Synodical Study Committees pose a threat to the well-being of the church? Rev. John De Pater is convinced that this is a matter for serious consideration. Rev. De Pater is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Williamsburg, Ontario, Canada. This question is not as hypothetical as might appear at first sight. For the […]