Peter Y. De Jong wrote this article for the December–January 1952 issue of Torch and Trumpet (former name of this publication). Dr. De Jong is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sheldon, Iowa. Today the feeling is widespread that the Christian Reformed Church is passing through a period of spiritual declension. Although the […]
Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, is the author of several books and has also served as Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Seminary from 1964 to 1970. Herewith THE OUTLOOK presents the second in a series of articles by him on Guidance for Elders […]
Dr. Peter Y. De Jong, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa, is the author of several books and has also served as Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Seminary from 1964 to 1970. THE OUTLOOK is pleased herewith to present the first in a series of articles by him on […]
THE OUTLOOK is pleased not only to publish but also to endorse wholeheartedly the accompanying Testimony Concerning the Promotion of Christian Education issued by the Northwest Iowa Chapter of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Executive Committee members of the chapter are: DR. PETER Y. DE JONG, President REV. HENRY VANDEN HEUVEL, Vice-President REV. JOHN B. HULST, Secretary […]
Scripture: Genesis 9:18–29 For simplicity, sobriety and straightforwardness the Holy Scriptures have no peer among all the books which the centuries have produced. Here in language which also children can understand God tells through the inspired writers the story of his dealings with the sons of men. Repeatedly we marvel at the brevity and restraint […]
AND THE LORD SHUT HIM IN . . . (15) Scripture: Genesis 7:1–16 In these verses we read the record of one of history’s most astounding and significant happenings It is the story of the flood in the days of Noah. The record is brief, despite some occasional repetitions. Because of this, perhaps, it has […]
THE WAGES OF SIN IS . . . DEATH (13) Scripture: Genesis 6:1–8 Occasionally believers ask the question why so few sermons are preached on Old Testament historical material. Much use seems to be made of this material in teaching children the contents of Scripture; little—so it is affirmed—finds its way into our pulpits. In […]
AND THEN CAME SIN (9) Scripture: Genesis 3:1–8 Why those who seem to be willing to accept the facts of a good creation and of salvation through the crucified and risen Christ find difficulty with the facts of Genesis 3 simply boggles the believing mind. Sooner or later every man faces the inescapable reality of […]
Man in God’s Great World (7) Scripture: Genesis 2:4–17 A battleground – Throughout this century we have witnessed various kinds of warfare. All of us know something of the fearfulness of guerilla tactics by little groups holding large armies at hay. We also remember with horror the “blitzkrieg” by which Hitler pulverized cities to terrorize […]
Scripture: Genesis 8:18–9:17 Often we hear people say that they wish they could begin life all over. Aware of their mistakes, they suppose that by receiving a new opportunity they would be able to correct their conversation and conduct. To many their past is a burden from which they long to be released. What is […]