Oh Praise Ye the Name of Jehovah

This is the fourth in a series of five articles analyzing the Hymn Proposal [HP] that was presented to URCNA Synod 2010. This series is written with the intention of making the members of the URCNA aware of the many changes made in the HP to the songs of the blue Psalter Hymnal [PH]. We begin this […]

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What Happened?

When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God.”  —Matthew 27:54 The Passion Week began with the people of Jerusalem laying palm branches at the feet of Jesus. They were celebrating His entry […]

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Melchizedek: A Type of Christ

He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. —Hebrews 6:20 When you scan the world scene, it is interesting to note how different people rise to prominence, make their mark, and then disappear again from view. Some rise to renown gradually, like stars in the evening sky, which grow brighter and brighter […]

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The Eternal Sabbath

If a man spent one-seventh of his life in a foreign culture, eventually aspects of that culture would become indistinguishable from his own customs, clothing, speech, and thoughts. He could not return to his own country without weaving something foreign into all he said and did. We ought to regard the Sabbath in the same […]

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A Fly on the Wall

November 3, 2011. It is day three of three. The room is dark. The west-facing windows pull hard to draw in the first rays of morning light. The aroma of fresh coffee fills the room. The only hint that the early morning hostess has already been there is the baking she has set out to […]

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Proverbs 5: Pleasure or Fulfillment?

Adultery is altogether an uncomfortable topic to address and discuss. Particularly in today’s society, shutting our eyes and carrying on with life seems easier than confronting the truth about this prevalent topic. However, the author of Proverbs 5 makes it quite clear that this is a social problem that needed fixing, even thousands of years […]

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From an outsider’s perspective, Christianity is perceived as a “thou shalt not” religion. Christianity is seen as a religion that simply restricts people’s lifestyles, forcing them to give up all the “good” things about a secular life. However, Christianity is more of a religion that encourages action than forbids it. When challenged by the Pharisees […]

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