The Pillars of Our Church

The immediately following article by the Rev. William Hendriksen, Th.D. on THE SUPREMACY OF THE WORD is the first in a group of articles that are expected to be the most significant series we have published. The forthcoming centennial celebration of the Christian Reformed Church is an event of stirring importance. A denomination dedicated to […]

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The Supremacy of the Word

This article touches a matter of vital importance with a view to the coming centennial. In the month of April 1957, the Christian Reformed denomination will have reached the age of 100. What have we done with these 100 years? Do we cling as closely to the Bible today as we did yesterday? Let us face the […]

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Fathers and Brethren! On Christian Leadership

“During these days we of the Christian Reformed Church are devoting thought and time to preparing for our centennial conscious that the Lord has blessed and guided us as a church, we are moved to gratitude and humility. But we realize also that the centennial has a challenge for the future.” Recently the editor of The […]

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What They are Thinking

College and Church Discussions concerning the relation of college and church are wide· spread today. In a provocative article “What Is a Church-Related College?” Dr. Winston L. King of Grinnell College, Iowa speaks of a growing tendency to seek closer alliance. He writes only of “church-related” colleges. The term is “a very elastic hamper” which “covers all those institutions […]

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School Rights III

In the May and September 1956 issues of Torch and Trumpet we attempted to answer some objections of readers in connection with the thesis that all schools, regardless of race, creed, or color, are entitled to their fair share of public school taxes in proportion to the number of students enrolled. Herewith we conclude these questions and […]

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Baptism…Our Responsibility

The Psalmist invites the children of God to sing a new song unto God because of the marvelous things he has done. “Jehovah hath made known His salvation. He hath remembered His loving kindness and His faithfulness toward the house of Israel.” When we are privileged to witness the administration of the holy sacrament of baptism we […]

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Is It Worth Reading?

Over De Laatste Dingen Tussen… Sterven…… Opstanding, door DR. K. DYK. Tweede Druk—J. H. KoIe, Kampen 1955. 188 pages. f6.90. This work is the first of a trilogy on the subject of eschatology. The author tells us in the preface that it is especially the peculiar tension which characterizes contemporary man which drives him to a new appraisal […]

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