“Moreover, you shall make an altar as a place for burning incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.” (Exodus 30:1) What do you want Me to do for you?” That was the question Jesus asked twice during His earthly ministry. The first time is found in Mark 10:51. There Jesus addressed a blind beggar outside […]
Three miles from where I live is Mars Hill Bible Church, a mega-emergent church in Grandville, Michigan. The church’s pastor is the popular Rev. Rob Bell, author of the books “Velvet Elvis,” “Sex God,” and most recently “Jesus Wants to Save Christians.” My purpose in this article is not to critique what Mars Hill is […]
Since we have spent the last few installments clearing away some contemporary misconceptions about Roman Catholicism, readers may be wondering what is so objectionable about Rome after all. It would be simple enough to string together a set of ad hominem arguments against the Roman Catholic Church. Popular Protestant hostility to Rome may come from […]
IN DEALING WITH such a subject as “Calvin’s Conception of the Church” one may well be on his guard against diverse temptations. He who would be known as a Calvinist is in peril of unduly exalting the person of John Calvin and of ascribing to his teaching a quality approaching infallibility. Perhaps that danger is […]
In Judges 9, Abimelech plummeted Israel into the depths of depravity and civil war. From here on in the book of Judges, Israel will be plagued by more depravity and tribal disunity than ever before. In chapter one, the author of this book made a big deal about the unity of the twelve tribes. Throughout […]
Judges 11 introduces us to Jephthah. When people find out that I am a college student majoring in theology with a special interest in Old Testament theology, one of the first questions I am asked involves Jephthah. “Did Jephthah really kill his daughter?” is a question I have had to deal with over and over […]
“Organic” Inspiration In his survey of the development of modern biblical criticism, Bavinck is surprisingly frank regarding the implications of this approach for the older doctrine of inspiration. As he observes, the Christian theologian “does not resolve the dilemma [of the inspiration and absolute authority of Scripture] in all its sharpness by closing one’s […]
Treasures New and Old: Exploring the Riches of Scripture by Dr. Jack De Jong, Premier Publishing—Winnipeg (2004). 274 pages. Reviewed by Rev. Wybren Oord. This book of meditations written by Dr. Jack De Jong was compiled by Cornelis Van Dam with the assistance of Kristen Kottelenberg Alkema. For those in the Canadian Reformed Church, the […]