Risen With Christ

Christianity is the only religion which claims the resurrection of its leader. In fact it depends on it. If Christ was not raised, there would be no good news. If Christ was not raised, Christianity would be dead. His own claim to divinity and His claim to be the resurrection and the life would be […]

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The Living Legacy from Heidelberg

On a Tuesday at 4 PM I came to the home of Larry. Pattie, Lare John and Bailey. They were expecting me. They had been attending our church for some time. Pattie’s oldest brother and his family, her youngest brother and his family and her father had all made profession of faith in our church. Now […]

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A Catechism Written in Heidelberg

The city of Heidelberg is one of the most beautiful and charming in the world. Built in the Neckar River valley the city looks across the river to rising hills covered with green. Today the city itself has a very well-preserved Renaissance center dominated by the Holy Ghost Church where Caspar Olevianus preached. The University of […]

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The Pastoral Necessity of Preaching the Catechism

In his recent commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven calls the Catechism “the best confessional and teachable summary of the will of God for the life of the church,” That’s quite a compliment for a document over four centuries old. What a beacon the Heidelberg Catechism remains in our anti-theological age, with its […]

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Putting a Staff in the Shepherd’s Hand

Using the Heidelberg Catechism in Pastoring, Training and Evangelism When the editors asked me to write on the uses of the Heidelberg Catechism, I was grateful for the opportunity for two reasons. First, I love the old Catechism so very much. It is a tender yet strong articulation of the Biblically Reformed faith, and my […]

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Cultivating Holiness (1)

Last month Dr. Beeke treated the Biblical command to “Be holy, for I am holy.” He now addresses the subject of cultivating holiness. THE CULTIVATION OF HOLINESS Concretely, then, what must you cultivate? Three things. 1. Imitation to the character of Jehovah. God says, “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). The […]

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One of the important signs of the times, as we noted in a previous article, is the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. This sign confirms the biblical teaching that Christ is the promised seed of Abraham, the One in whom all the families and peoples of the earth will find […]

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. RBPS – After completing its deliberations on women in office, Classis Grand Rapids East rejected a proposal from Neland Avenue CRC to exclude “publicly outspoken proponents and opponents on a controversial matter” from the synodical advisory committees studying such matters. However, according to Neland Avenue council president Dr. Andrew Bandstra, the church […]

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