The Bible’s accounts of the birth of our Lord place a great deal of emphasis upon the fact that He was “born to be King.” As such His birth was previously announced to Mary (Luke 1:32, 33) and later revealed to the wise men (Matt. 2:1). Significantly, when Peter later confessed his faith in Him […]
Professor John M. Frame, Associate Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary at Escondido, California, concludes his analysis, begun in our January issue, of a new proposal to remove the Reformed creeds from the bases of our Christian schools. He is referring to a 15 page document entitled Christian Educational Philosophy: A […]
One of the American television networks is running a news series on the condition of American education. In one of the segments, the sordid story was told about the lack of classroom control in some schools. One teacher had been teaching for nine years but was so overwhelmed by what was happening in her classroom […]
“The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. He had ten thousand sheep . . . . And he also had seven sons and three daughters. After this Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children in the fourth generation. And so he died, […]
“How many things are necessary for you to know, that you, enjoying real comfort, may live and die happily?” “Three: First, how great my sins and miseries are. . . .” That is the way our old Compendium, almost exactly repeating the second question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism, introduces its systematic teaching of the […]
NAMES FOR THE CHURCH or WHAT’S IN A NAME? Men have been giving their congregations and denominations a great variety of names. With so many names already taken, it has become increasingly difficult to find a new one. Congregations which once were identified by geographical location and numerical sequence no longer want to be third […]
Big Church Apostasy Recently a fresh wave of secessions have been occurring from the large United Presbyterian Church USA. Several developments in the denomination have provoked churches to separate from it. In 1979 its General Assembly adopted a rule that the governing session of every congregation must have a quota of “women, youth and ethnic […]
Recently the classis in which I serve received a visit from a member of the faculty of Calvin Seminary. The professor in addressing the delegates to classis adopted as his theme “The Unity between Calvin Seminary and the Church.” The speaker in pleading for this unity described it as twofold. He spoke first of a […]
AN ECUMENICAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL CREED Dear Rev. De Jong: At the risk of sounding defensive, which we are not, we must respond to Myron Rau’s “An Ecumenical Christian School Creed” (November 1981 Outlook). Christian Schools International (CSI; formerly called National Union of Christian Schools or NUCS) has indeed called together a task force to study […]