It has happened more than once that we have been called upon to unite a couple in marriage where evidently very little preparation had been made. It almost appears then as if the bridal pair deemed their marriage as something of minor importance. Bride and the groom had made no effort to appear at their best, […]
The Scottish Reformer John Knox said that he cast his first anchor in this seventeenth chapter of John. In this chapter we find what is truly the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer which Jesus taught his disciples, commonly called “the Lord’s prayer,” was not used as a prayer by Jesus himself, and could not have been, for it […]
III In our last article we sketched briefly how during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the deformation of the Reformed churches together with the increasing influence of mysticism and modernism, and the resulting revolutionary political and economical ideas culminated in the French Revolution. We also saw haw after this revolt a general reaction set in, due […]
It is with a deep sense of humility that the writer of this article sets down his views as to the qualifications of an elder. Realizing the sacredness and importance of the office, and being aware of own shortcomings and failures while serving as elder, we hesitate to give public expression to our thoughts in this […]
Editorial Note In this article Torch and Trumpet turns its representative discussion of the doctrine of common grace over to a Christian layman, Mr. Steven Harkema, president of the Calvinistic Culture Association. It is our objective to show to our reading public the conception of common grace held by those who, although not professionally-trained theologians, have […]
Editorial Note Torch and Trumpet hereby grants Dr. William Masselink the courtesy of reply to the Rev. Adam Persenaire’s review of General Revelation and Common Grace, which appeared in our previous issue. This “reply” goes far beyond the scope of the review in question, however, and we print this article in full because we wish to […]
(Part Five) WHEN the first edition of Roland Allen’s book Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Our’s? was being prepared for publication, the Right Rev. Henry Whitehead, D.D., then Lord Bishop of Madras, was asked to write the introduction. Many of his statements deserve our respectful consideration as coming from a man of wide experience in Christian […]
II (Continued from last issue) Moreover we should note that it is only with the security and rest offered by perseverance that the productive Christian life is possible at all. Let us imagine for a moment that we see a gallant troubador serenading his lady outside of her window. The poor fellow is outside. If […]
II (Continued from last issue) Now the question arises, do most colleges practice and does Yale actually practice “academic freedom.” To this question Mr. Buckley answers that they do not, and, in fact, do “not even believe what they say about education and academic freedom” (p. 145). For example, an English teacher who would teach that Joyce […]
Rev. William Hendriksen, Th.D.: EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN, Vol. I, Published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. 250 pages. Price $4.50. The long awaited commentary on The New Testament by this masterful preacher and lecturer is beginning to make its […]