Kant, Jastrow, and the Theologians

God and the Astronomers, by Robert Jastrow: W.W. Norton and Co., New York; 1978, 136pp. Until the Sun Dies, Robert Jastrow: W.W. Norton and Co., New York; 1977, 172pp. Robert Jastrow comes with scientific credentials in order. He is the Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of NASA, professor of Astronomy and Geology […]

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An Alarming Trend

I am writing a few articles on an alarming trend in the Christian Reformed Church. What is true in my Church is hardly different from what is happening in other denominations. There is not only a departure from the Faith of the Fathers, but also a serious deterioration in the observance of the standard of […]

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Would You Call This Presbyterian?

My copy of The Banner arrived today. As I often do, I took a couple of minutes to page through it, skimming those items which caught my eye. I was struck by the first letter in “Voices” (3/30/79 issue) in which the council of one of our churches informs the denomination that it “. . […]

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What’s in a name? For most of us our name, though very precious, is little more than a tag we wear to distinguish us from someone else. Once, names meant something. Today their significance is lost. For instance, Bakers or Bakkers do not always have bakeries. They have book stores, furniture companies and they are […]

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Women Officers – Despite the Bible

Anyone who is not a stranger in Jerusalem nowadays realizes that on the part of a very vocal minority in the CRC there is a great deal of pressure to get women into ecclesiastical office. Of course, for the present it is largely limited to the office of deacon(ess), a request which the Rev. Bill […]

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Evangelicals and Inerrancy

We are indebted to Rev. Donald MacLeod and the Monthly Record of the Free Church ofScotland of which he is the editor, for this superb analysis and answer to current attacks on the inerrancy of the Bible in traditionally evangelical Christian circles. He answers exactly the objections also raised in the CRC against the Bible’s […]

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Secession: Sin or Christian Duty?

A Recurring Question A half year ago in our September issue (p. 14) I observed that developments within our denomination are compelling a lot of loyal church members to face the question whether they should remain in it or become part of a Bible–believing, confessionally Reformed church outside of it. The decision last year to […]

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A Look at Books

SCIENTIFIC CREATIONISM, edited by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Published by Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, California, 92115; 277 pages; $4.95. Reviewed by Rev. C. Van Schouwen. Dr. H.M. Morris, director of the Institute for Creation Research, headed a team of twenty-five scientists to produce this monumental book. Considering the fact that practically every “ism”, including communism, […]

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