You don’t have to be very old or very wise to notice that things are changing in the Christian Reformed Church. Some of the changes are for the better; few people would want to see everything in the denomination stay the same. At the same time, when the changes involve denial of Biblical truth or […]
When we lived in California my family and I would spend many summer afternoons at the oceanside. Often I would scoop up a handful of sand and let it slowly dribble through my fingers. I often thought of that promise God made to Abraham, “I will make your descendants as numerous as the . . […]
This concludes the series of Rev. John Kruis of Sussex, New Jersey, on the biblical method of counseling promoted by Dr. Jay Adams. As nouthetic counselors help identify unsolved problems they also direct the counselees and work intensively with them on scriptural change. They do not assume that they will understand what is required of […]
How often we hear it said: What you don’t know won’t hurt you. A dictum that may be true at times but also dead wrong at other times. It all depends on what it is that we don’t know. Take the case of this year 1979 being the “International Year of the Child.” Writing in […]
THE BIBLE AND THEOLOGY The second major issue which I mentioned above was that of the way we obtain truth from Scripture. The relation between Scripture and theology has become especially problematical. Once again it is difficult to tell exactly what is being said. For the Presbyterian one of the problems is that “theology” is […]
“For Use In Worship” The Christian Reformed World Relief organization in promoting its new “World Hunger Program” recently sent Christian Reformed ministers several sheets of “Litanies/Prayers/Selected Scripture Passages for Use in Worship.” The third page of this material under the heading “3. BODY AND BREAD” had the “Leader” quote the texts “I am the Bread […]
The Bible teaches us plainly that although God makes men and women equal before Him (Gal. 3:28) He has not designed that their role in society be identical. He said that the man was to lead as “head” (1 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:8–3:2). Today many professing Christians who support the popular “women’s liberation” movement […]
Having seen the general teaching of Scripture about the offices of Christ we should look at each one of them in detail. First, we call Christ “our chief Prophet and Teacher.” What is a prophet? We must distinguish between the precise meaning of the word “prophet” and the common, loose use of the word. Loosely […]
As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead and he fell facedown on the ground. I Samuel 17:48, 49 We […]
“Was Christ Violent?” A women’s Bible study group in Kansas, in their study of Mark 11:15–18 (the cleansing of the temple by Jesus), came across the statement in their study material: “Jesus engages in the only act of violence recorded of Him.” In view of Isaiah 53:9b, “he had done no violence,” they wonder if […]