THE OUTLOOK is indebted to Rev. Jerome M. Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa, for having provided this Index to the contents of the issue of 1977. To find any item in this index note the numbers following the item, such as 6:2. This means that you will find what you […]
The other day I was catching up on reading some back issues of Gereformeerd Weekblad. I read an editorial by Dr. H. N. Ridderbos concerning the controversy surrounding Dr. H. Kuitert, and how a recent synod dealt with this matter (for the so-manyeth time). While reading the account of Ridderbos, I thought to myself: the […]
The Heidelberg Catechism has meaning for us today, because of its history as well as its contents. It relates to us in our situation today because of when it was written, why it was written, and by whom it was written. The Catechism was written in Germany at a time when the religion of the […]
Readers of Christianity Today‘s last 1977 issue were confronted by a full–page front cover picture of Dr. Cornelius Van Til. Inside a five–page feature article by the former senior editor, David E. Kucharsky, described the way this one-time Christian Reformed pastor of the Spring Lake church has in a half century of teaching apologetics, over […]
A Continuing Serious Problem To some this word evokes a feeling of disgust. To perhaps a few, a feeling of sorrow and compassion. To many families alcoholism has brought havoc, tragedy, hopelessness and utter frustration. To all Christians it is a matter of deep concern. They are reminded of the words of Saint Paul, “no […]
Francis Schaeffer, in his own lifetime, has gained international fame and popularity. He provided a haven in the 1960‘s for many confused, disillusioned people, frustrated by decades of subjectivism and its results. The initial period of his work, the establishing of L‘Abri, for which he became world famous, has ended. This is an appropriate time […]
Signs of Evangelical Revival Time magazine in a December 26, 1977, 7-pagc featured article announced that “U.S. Evangelicalism is booming.” It estimated that the movement numbered 45.5 million adherents, suggested that it “seems on the verge of becoming a national state of mind,” and endorses a claim that “Evangelicals have become the most active and vital […]
Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethseman. . . . Matt. 26:36ff. When one speaks of Gethsemane and tries to understand something of what happened there a certain awe enters his soul. The name suggests profound mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. When we try to discuss it we peer into depths […]
What is striking if one reads the addresses of the fraternal delegates of the CKN to our synods of the last number of years, is that, almost without exception, they make a strong plea for understanding, patience and a degree of acceptance for what is taking place in their churches today. Between the lines one […]
This is a 2nd prize winning essay in a contest sponsored by the First Church of Pella, Iowa. Marva Van Kooten is a student at Dordt College. Her earlier prize-winning essay appeared in the April 1977 OUTLOOK. The Historic Stand Since its beginning in 1857 the Christian Reformed Church has taken a very strong stand […]