What is coming to be publicized as the most important religious news in our time is the struggle taking place within traditionally evangelical churches about the infallibility of the Bible. Dr. Harold Lindsell’s best-selling book, Battle for the Bible, did not provoke the struggle, as some critics have alleged; it called attention to it—and it became […]
Laurie Vanden Heuvel has previously contributed a number of articles to THE OUTLOOK. She is the wife of Rev. Thomas Vanden Heuvel, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Chino, California. There was a young lad in his early teens who, in his stroll through an art gallery, came upon a huge painting of […]
Together the two men plodded on, a dejected pair. They had reasons to be. Their hopes were crushed, their minds confused, their hearts heavy, and all the light had gone out of their sky. No need to hurry now, and so they plodded on. But then it happened. It was the Stranger who joined them […]
The great profit of Christ’s resurrection for His people is what this article is all about. The writer, Rev. Thomas Vanden Heuvel, is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Chino, California. One of the most exciting times on the farm is the time of harvesting. I remember the threshing machines and the crews […]
Marva Van Kooten is a 1976 graduate of Pella (Iowa) Christian High School. She is now a student at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa and hopes to go into nursing or some form of medicine. Her article won second prize in an essay contest open to the young people of the First Christian Reformed […]
Strange things and words are often found in the Bible. At least they are strange to us. Some of them as mysteries will not be unfolded for us until we reach heaven. But one thing is sure, they serve the great cause of the Son of God, in His work of salvation. They all serve […]
This is the second in a series of question-and-answer articles on What We Believe by Rev. Elco H. Oostendorp. The dire need for a clear knowledge of God may be as great today as when God once said: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . . ” (Hosea 4:6). Rev. Oostendorp (retired) […]
In this eighth article in a series For Elders and Deacons, Rev. Harry G. Arnold writes: “If ever church members needed shepherds to ‘warn them against errors in doctrine and life,’ it is today!” Rev. Arnold is pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Lansing, Illinois. The point was made in our last article that […]
THE EVANGELICAL FAITH by Helmut Thielieke. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1974. 420 pages. Price $10.95. Reviewed by Rev. Harry L. Downs, Pastor of Dresden Christian Reformed Church, Dresden, Ontario, Canada. This book, a Prolegomena of Introduction to Theology, is meant to be the first of a three-volume dogmatics written by the German […]