AUTHORS ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY My kingdom (poem) 4:28 ARNOLD, HARRY G. For elders and deacons 9:20; 10:7; 11:8; 12:4 ARNTZEN, M. J. Calling and reprobation 1:22 (Response 6:30) AUGUSTINE Life of service and contemplation (quote) 4:14 BESTEMAN, ARTHUR Year’s–end challenge for Reformed Christians 12:2 BLANKESPOOR, JOHN In the school of patience 8:15; 11:18 Reprobation – […]
Dr. Edwin Palmer of Wayne, New Jersey, a minister in the Christian Reformed Church, is presently serving as the Executive Secretary of the New International Version of the Bible (New York International Bible Society). His telling reply in this article to Editor De Koster’s repeated attacks in The Banner on Lindsell’s The Battle for the […]
The following reprint from Systematic Theology Revised Enlarged Edition, 1946, pp. 115–118) by Professor Louis Berkhof is used by permission of the publisher, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 255 Jefferson, S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502. Professor Berkhof (1874–1957) taught at Calvin Seminary from 1906 until his retirement in 1944. In view of the doctrine of […]
Today (at the time of this writing—just before Christmas) I was reminded once again of Elijah the Tishbite, that colorful and fearless prophet who dared to risk his neck in telling wicked Ahab what God had to say to him—and I was reminded more particularly of how the Lord kept the prophet alive, first at […]
Battle for the Bible – In view of all that has been written in criticism of Harold Lindsell‘s The Battle for the Bible, it is of interest to know that, in Eternity magazine’s annual survey conducted by 100 Christian leaders, the book took third place in the choice for the “most significant book for thinking […]
Following is a review by Rev. Peter De Jong of Harry M. Kuitert‘s book, Th e Necessity of Faith or Without Faith You’re As Good As Dead (Eerdman’s Publishing Co., 159 pages, $2.95). Rev. De Jong is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Dutton, Mich. This is an interesting, significant, and easily read book. […]
Every era of Christianity seems to have its peculiar problems and controversies. During the time of St. Augustine and Athanasius the doctrine of the Trinity, particularly as it refers to the Second Person of the Trinity came to the foreground. During the time of Luther and Calvin salvation by grace through faith alone was the […]
In this issue Rev. Harry G. Arnold presents the fifth in his series of articles under the heading, For Elders and Deacons. Because more than 3500 consistory members have been added to the list of those now receiving THE OUTLOOK, this series is timely and should prove to be interesting and profitable for them as […]
Dr. Herman Wiersinga is a campus pastor of the Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands (RCN – Reformed Churches in the Netherlands). The doctrine of the Atonement is frequently referred to as “the heart of the gospel.” When Dr. Wiersinga attacked this doctrine and denied that the suffering and death of Christ was a payment for […]
Simon C. Walburg‘s article reflects something of the bewilderment of many devout Bible readers as they are now being confronted with a rash of new versions of the Bible. In placing this article, THE OUTLOOK has no intention whatsoever to detract from the esteem we owe bona-fide and responsible scholars such as those who are […]