Modern Communications and the Sermon

Dr. John J. Timmerman, son of the late Rev. John Timmerman and for many years a professor of English at Calvin College, writes: “I have an abiding and high respect for the traditional sermon. I do not believe it to be an archaic relic to be entrusted to a museum with other valuable objects that have […]

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Be Who You Are

Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God; and such we are. I John 3:1 “I’m doing my own thing.” That little phrase is used today to justify just about anything a person does or wants to do. It is an easy escape mechanism for all […]

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Those Thirty-Two Negative Votes at Synod

After this article was already at the printer, word was received that the writer, Rev. John D. De long, had passed away suddenly at his home in Hudsonville, Michigan, at the age of 72, on Wednesday morning, August 20. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon, August 22, at the Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in […]

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Why I Oppose the Ordination of Women

Elisabeth Elliot, formerly a missionary, is now a writer living in Hamilton, Massachusetts. She has the A.B. from Wheaton College. Among her books are A Slow and Certain Light and Furnace of the Lord. Her article is: Copyright 1975 by Christianity Today; reprinted by permission. “All that is not eternal,” wrote C. S. Lewis, “is […]

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Books on the Dooyeweerdian Movement

THE DOOYEWEERDIAN CONCEPT OF THE WORD OF GOD, by Robert A. Morey, Appendices by John M. Frame and Gerald O’Donnell. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1974, 53 pp. $1.50. THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN “POWER-WORD” AND “TEXT-WORD” IN RECENT REFORMED THOUGHT: The View of Scripture Set Forth by Some Representatives of the Philosophy of the Law-Idea, by Harry […]

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A Look at Books

HISTORY OF THE FREE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SCOTLAND (1893–1970). Compiled by a Committee Appointed by the Synod of the Free Presbyterian Church. Published by tile Publications Committee, Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Printed by J. G. Eccles, Henderson Road, Inverness, Scotland. 427 pages. Reviewed by Rev. Wilbert M. Van Dyk, pastor of the Plymouth Heights […]

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