Dispensationalism – Darby and Scofield

Rev. Johan D. Tangelder is pastor of the Riverside Christian Refonned Church of Wellandport. Ontario in Canada. A frequent contributor to THE OUTLOOK, Rev. Tangelder writes in this and in a following article on “Dispensationalism,” a teaching on which we cannot afford to be uninformed. According to this first article: “The best known intellectual centers […]

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Our Question Box

Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is in charge of Our Question Box. This department is for everyone. Questions from all ages are welcome. From a reader in Western Michigan: Question: Several churches of different denominations in our area have “Children’s Church” Sunday mornings during the regular hour […]

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Women in Ecclesiastical Office?

This article on “Women in Ecclesiastical Office?” by Rev. Henry Vander Kam, pastor of Grace Christian Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, is timely in view of the fact that the CRC Synod has instructed a study committee to report on this matter, if possible, in June of this year. Rev. Vander Kam writes: “The problem of […]

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Majoring in Minors

Harlan G. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been asked to write a series of Meditations, the first of which appears in this issue. “. . . these ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone” (Matt. 23:23). It is […]

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Inflation is a Moral Problem

An Expert Speaks – Herman Kahn, introduced by U.S. News and World Report (Dec. 2, 1974, p. 53), as “a noted analyst of world affairs” and “an authority on national trends” was being interviewed regarding his opinions on the state of the economy. Asked for suggestions to deal with the baffling problem of inRation, Mr. […]

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“How Can I Keep From Becoming a Monthly Tiger?”

Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, provides a regular column or page for THE OUTLOOK on From a Counselor‘s Desk. In addition to his teaching at Westminster and authoring several books, Dr. Adams serves as a Counselor at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation at Hatboro, Pennsylvania. If you […]

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Temptations in the Ministry

Does the minister have temptations? Surely not! He ought to rise above such things! Although sent from God, he is still a man. INDOLENCE There is first of all the matter of indolence. Impossible, you say. Of all professions, the ministry cannot have any lazy ones in it. There is always so much to do. […]

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Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine

Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine is a series written by Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. This series is for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. Two lessons appear each month. Scripture Readings: Ephesians 1: 15–23; Revelation 19:6–10 It appears as if we need […]

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Other Church News

(Grand Rapids) The synodical decision of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands to clarify their earlier declarations on the Wiersinga case seems to have increased tensions within that church. Whereas, in the past the traditional confessional element has been most vocal in addressing and criticizing the leadership and the direction of the church, recently an […]

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