The Biblical Basis of Infant Baptism (1)

In compliance with a request, and because of the importance of the matter, the publishers of THE OUTLOOK have scheduled a series of three articles on Baptism in general, and Infant Baptism particularly. Rev. Henry Vanden Heuvel, writer of these articles, is pastor of the Bethel Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center, Iowa. a id=”set-post-thumbnail” […]

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In Memorium: Nicholas J. Monsma

In attempting to characterize Rev. Nicholas J. Monsma for this In Memoriam I think immediately of the word stalwart. Physically he was stalwart. al· ways a dignified and impressive figure whether in the pulpit or as he appeared elsewhere in the service of the church. But it was not only his physique that always commanded […]

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The Second Service

The Synod of 1973 has referred several matters to the churches for their consideration and reflection among which is also the report of the Liturgical Committee on “The Second Service.” There are, however, some problems connected with the request to reflect on and consider this particular report. In the first place, this report is not […]

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One of the current synodical study committees of the Christian Reformed Church has a mandate “to provide the church’s membership with guidelines for making ethical decisions about war. The committee shall, inter alia, (a) take account of previous synodical decisions, especially the Report on the Problem of War (Acts of Synod 1964, pp, 312–316) and […]

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What Greater Excitement Can One Have?

“It has been interesting to observe that as preaching as sllch has been on the decline, preachers have more and more used important people in any realm. This is said to attract people to the Gospel and to persuade them to listen to it. If you can find an admiral or a general or anyone […]

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The Holy Bible or the Living Bible (Paraphrased)?

The so-called Living Bible which includes the Living New Testament (also called Reach Out and The Greatest Is Love) is paraphrased by Kenneth Taylor and widely distributed by the World Home Bible League. H you happen to have a copy, I urge you to compare the following references with the King James version. Don’t buy […]

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A Look at Books

NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY: EXPOSITlON OF THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW by William Hendriksen, Bakcr Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1973. 1015 pp. $14.95. Reviewed by Rev, Jerome Julien, pastor of the Faith Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The set is growing. After an interval, another in the NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY series can be […]

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The Christian and Christian Education

In Deuteronomy 6 Moses instructs the people of Israel to occupy themselves and their children with the “statutes and commandments” of the Lord “all the days” of their life (vs. 2). In verse 7 he requests that parents leach their children “diligently,” whether they are at home or travel, from early morning till late at […]

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