The Church and Homosexuality

Our dealing with the current flood of vice, including homosexual vice, will not be helped by a soft, confused approach to it. It must be met with the forthright condemnation of the gospel and the call of that gospel to repentance and deliverance from it. Diverse Reactions – “Synod Accepts Homosexuals As Full Church Members” […]

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Should We Have Women in Church Offices?

As far as the matter under discussion is concerned, we’re going to need something a whole lot better, a good deal more substantial, and considerably more convincing than the report under consideration before the church is going to be ready to change something it has believed to be biblical for over 1900 years. The CRC […]

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A Look at Books

BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY AND MODERN SCIENCE, by Henry M. Morris. Published by Craig Press, Nutley, N.J., 1970. 140 pages. Price $3.95, paper $2.50. Reviewed by Rev. Henry Erffmeyer, pastor of the Twelfth Avenue Christian Reformed church, Jenison, Michigan. This is a provocative book! It makes the reader think! It raises some serious objections to the theory […]

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Opening Chapters of Genesis – What Shall We Make of Them?

One thing should not be overlooked. It was science that denied the possibility of the truths basic to salvation. And the church allowed itself to be carried along by the dictates of science. Today the church is again faced with a question thrust upon it by science: What shall we do with the first chapters […]

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“Go Quickly, and Tell”

In the last November issue of THE OUTLOOK, in which we told of God’s work in the Philippines as witnessed by the Rev. Dick Bouma, we expressed the hope of further sharing with you the wonders of God’s grace as manifested there. This time we should like to show how one convert quickly told someone […]

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New Hymns – Are We on the Right Track?

Readers of THE OUTLOOK have been kept well informed about the achievements of recent CRC Synods. Especially Report 44 received full attention and readers were conditioned to be on the lookout for those details on which Synod could possibly go wrong. Also other items have received attention. What I missed is a report or comments […]

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The following article so significant for our day, is reprinted from a monthly publication, THE BANNER OF TRUTH. The witness of so many leading preachers, theologians and commentators in the history of the disappearance of the miraculous gifts of the apostolic age is a factor of considerable importance, especially as among them were men mightily […]

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