The Awesome Office

So, you are in the consistory now. Well, congratulations! But first . . . To anyone else this may be nothing more than personal piffle. But to this day it still becomes increasingly pointed and precious to me as the memory of it remains undimmed. As children we loved to “play church.” Since then we […]

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Where is Lever Headed?

With a healthy appetite I set myself squarely on my chair and was ready for his nine-course banquet. But what a letdown it turned out to be! What a letdown! – There is nothing like a good appetizer before a good meal. When I picked up Jan Lever’s little book, Where Are We Headed,* I […]

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“Happiness is . . .”

“Happiness is . . .” the craving of every human heart currently or formerly alive. “Happiness is . . .” something that everyone seeks and very few find. “Happiness is . . .” according to the advertisers, everything from “razor blades that give a s-m-o-o-t-h-e-r shave” to toothpaste producing greater “sex appeal” to detergent that […]

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A Look at Books

GOD IN THE DOCK: ESSAYS ON THEOLOGY AND ETHICS by C. S. Lewis: Edited by Walter Hooper. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1970. 346 pages. $6.95. Reviewed by Marianne Radius of Grand Rapids, Mich. This volume collects together all the occasional writings of C. S. Lewis which have not been previously published in book form. This […]

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Reformed Evangelism in the South

The Reformed faith has a great future in the South. Population and industry are moving in that direction. On the state and local level the Chamber of Commerce is going all out to attract new industry from the North. Low taxes, a labor force untouched by labor unions. and escape from big city problems are […]

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Confrontation at Catholic U

The following is reprinted by permission from the May-June 1971 issue of LIBERTY (“A Magazine of Religious Freedom”). The account of this experience at the Catholic University of America (Wash., D.C.) ought to have something to say to those who are so eager to solicit and obtain government funds for Christian schools. Ti-Grace Atkinson doesn’t […]

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The Timothy-Lawndale Situation (2)

Note – At the invitation of the Editor I consented last spring to write the first article on this difficult matter. That article appeared in the May 1971 issue of THE OUTLOOK. Due to the many complex developments since the meeting of the Synod of 1971, convened in June, the Editor again requested that I […]

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AND THEN CAME SIN (9) Scripture: Genesis 3:1–8 Why those who seem to be willing to accept the facts of a good creation and of salvation through the crucified and risen Christ find difficulty with the facts of Genesis 3 simply boggles the believing mind. Sooner or later every man faces the inescapable reality of […]

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