New England Calvinism

The Saturday Review of Literature claims “John Dewey is alive and well in New England.” Could the same be said for Calvinism? A score of American Indians arc not the only ones to desecrate Plymouth Rock on Thanksgiving day. Boston mourns the loss of its greatest churchman, a Roman Catholic cardinal; and at Yale a […]

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In Defense of the Bible

Review of Interpreting God’s Word Today; Edited by Dr. Simon Kistemaker; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; 313 pages; $6.95. (See offer in this issue of new or gift subscription to THE CHRISTIAN REFORMED OUTLOOK with copy of this book, both for $7.00.) Rev. Leonard T . Scholkwyk is a Christian Reformed Church minister serving […]

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We’ve Changed Our Name

Why bother to write about it? After all, what’s in a name? Mr. Bright may be a dumbbell, Mr. Wiseman an idiot, Mr. Straight a crook, or Mr. White a black man. Call them what you will, an orchid is an orchid and an onion an onion. So, why bother to explain? But we owe […]

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On Special Assignment

For most of us the month of January is marked in our congregations by an important worship service—one in which we witness the installation of elders and deacons. Yet, for you is it really important? Someone said recently that they think too many professing members of the Body of Christ do not see it that […]

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Shrug Off the Century!

“Shrug all the 20th century. Time loses its meaning on serene, tropical Sanibel Island.” So reads a vacation advertisement in the December 5, 1970 Saturday Review. Scores of magazines on our stands, to say nothing of the newspaper and TV commercials, carry glamorized appeals to people who have leisure time and money and who are […]

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The Inroads of Subjectivism

W. A. Visser’t Hooft in his little book, Rembrandt and the Gospel, calls attention to the great “crisis of the European mind” of the seventeenth century, characterizing it as “a turning from the objective to the subjective, from theocentric to anthropocentric thought.” In this time of crisis he observes that we may say of the […]

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That versus How in Creation

That God, in the beginning, created out of nothing all that exists is abundantly clear from a reading of Genesis and other parts of Scripture. A nd certain particulars about Creation are also evident, such as, e.g., that man is the crown of creation, and that plants and animals were created to reproduce after their […]

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Loyalty to Which Establishment?

Revolution Against “Establishments” – An interesting and alarming phenomenon in the current social scene is the revolution against the establishment. The establishment is defined in terms of the established government, church, and middle-class society. The revolutionaries are very critical of everything that comes forth from the establishment. The clash came to sharpest focus in the […]

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