A Christian Reformed University?

Introduction Each year Synod spends considerable time on educational matters pertaining to the College of the Church. Most of the decisions arc considered routine and recommendations are accepted without serious deliberation. This and next year Synod may have to make fundamental decisions regarding the acceptance of non-Christian Reformed students and faculty at Calvin, the proposal […]

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Christianity and Patriotism

A study of history reveals that religion and patriotism have been the chief moral influences which have subjected men. The separate modifications and mutual interaction of these two agents may almost be said to constitute the moral history of mankind. For some centuries before the introduction of Christianity, patriotism was in most countries the presiding […]

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Is It Still Worthwhile to be Reformed Today? (II)

What is Reformed? Originally this word characterised the whole Reformation. All the churches of the Reformation called themselves “Reformed,” namely, reformed from Roman popery “according to the Word of God.” In this broad sense the term is used of Lutheran, Calvinist and Anglican churches. The Church of England, for example, was sometimes called the “reformed” […]

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Agenda for Synod 1970

WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT THE BAPTISM FORM? Last year’s synod asked that our consistories discuss the proposed new form for infant baptism and express their reactions to it. That request is likely being overlooked by many busy consistories. Yet the view of baptism that will be presented to the churches every time a child […]

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I am Edwin H. Palmer, the Executive Secretary of an international Bible translation, sponsored by the New York Bible Society. I testify in behalf of the New Jersey Right to Life Committee, being the chairman of its Executive Committee. I also testify in behalf of the New Jersey Christian Action Foundation, a Protestant interdenominational organization. […]

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The Church and its Work of Visitation

There can be no question but that the work of visitation is an integral part of the Christian Church. At the Last Judgment our Lord will commend his people with these words, “I was sick and ye visited me, I was in prison and ye came to me” (Matt. 25:36). The only definition of religion […]

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The Berkhof We Don’t Remember (2)

In our May issue, we started a series under this same title. Our readers may remember that we quoted from an old volume Subjects and Outlines by Louis Berkhof who wrote in outline-form for young people. Some of these theses of this spiritual stalwart are not above criticism. At the same time, they are reminders […]

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The Elders’ Rule

In China our mission was called “Presbyterian.” Literally translated the name was “Jesus Teaching – Rule Elders Organization.” The name was a legacy our missionaries retained when they took over responsibility from the (Southern) Presbyterians for a part of their “field” of labor. They saw no need to change the name, for the old one […]

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The Presentation of the Word

Recently I was shown a copy of the work done by the Christian Reformed Liturgical Committee for Worship Reform. In pamphlet form, three suggested methods for the change of our worship service were presented. I am sure that much thought and physical observation of other denominations’ services were put in before the final draft was […]

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