New Tiv Seminary About to Open

The 1970 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church was confronted with a unique opportunity to assist a young church in her desire to preserve and propagate the Reformed faith. The Church of Christ in the Sudan among the Tiv (N.K.S.T.) requested help in the establishment of a Reformed Seminary. The urgency of accepting this challenge […]

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The three articles on THE CRISIS IN DOCTRINE, THE CRISIS IN MORALS, and THE CRISIS IN EDUCATION were given as addresses in a panel discussion at the recent annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship. Participating in the panel were: Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois; Dr. […]

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The CRC in 1970 – Quo Vadis?

Hendryk Sienkiewicz, Polish author of Quo Vadis? (Latin for Whither Goest Thou?) says in Chapter 19 of that well-known book: “The greater philosopher a man is, the more difficult it is for him to answer the foolish questions of common people.” Maybe so. But whether that might be a greater reflection on the renowned philosophers […]

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Lest We Forget

It is well that we mark the 350th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims on December 21, 1620. We praise Thee, O God, for Thy guiding hand, in leading Thy church to freedom’s fair land; Through sore persecution our fathers here came, where free and unfettered they worshipped Thy Name. Sore Persecution – We […]

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Pointed Paragraphs on Christmas

A Time of Surprises – For many people, and especially for children, Christmas is a time of surprises. Often they receive gifts they did not expect. Most of us enjoy being surprised that way. It can be a very pleasant experience. But we seldom consider that being taken by surprise should also be a humbling […]

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Dutch Synod Speaks

Dr. Simon Kistemaker, professor of Bible at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, was requested to supply information, as soon as possible about the decision of the Synod of the Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands concerning the well-known Kuitert controversy. Before this issue went to press, TORCH AND TRUMPET received also another article on this […]

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Dutch Synod Speaks (2)

The Synod of the Gereformeerde Kerken in The Netherlands (there are two denominations by this name in The Netherlands. The one here referred to is the church of which Professors Berkouwer, Kuitert, Hidderbos et al. are members) was faced with a crticial decision. The question was: What to do with the teachings of one of […]

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