Christianity and Politics: Appraisal of Practice

Introduction The previous article dealt with an evaluation of Dr. W. Spoelhof’s historistic and pragmatistic theory of the American political party system.1 After dealing with his theory of pressure groups, the present article will turn to some cases of Calvinists involved in practical politics at the local and state level. The purpose of this article […]

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We have seen that according to Dr. Kuitert we are to find out what is “the real matter,” i.e. God’s revelation and message for us today, and what can be discarded as “wrapping material,” i.e. the subjective, historically defined conceptions etc. of the human authors of Scripture. It is obvious that this task is of […]

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CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT – DO WE SHOW IT?\ “Our society not only fails to ask for or expects any depth of commitment from the individual; in a curious way it even discourages such commitment.” These few sobering words of Mr. John Gardner, the United States’ former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, are probably among the […]

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1968 Acts of Synod

The report of tile activities and actions of Synod is presented by Rev. Edward Heerema. He lias attempted to offer an accurate presentation of the positions of the speakers and the nature of the debate. Only the most important matters in the judgment of the reporter 000 editorial board are hereby presented. The Board of […]

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