PAYING THE BUDGET When is the Christian Reformed Church going to rid itself of the unbiblical term and thought of “paying the church budget”? In most cases, the use of this term does not reflect the sacrificial, gracious giving of its members. When we consider how many hundreds of dollars most members give for Christian education […]

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Tabernacle and Temple

A Tent in the Desert Abraham Kuyper once compared the Christian’s earthly life to Israel’s desert-borne Tabernacle. Eternal life itself, he said, is symbolized in the grandeur of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem: There is something beautiful about this comparison, which is, in fact, quite biblical Paul refers to the same symbolism in II Corinthians 5:1: […]

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Sunday is a Day of Work

Everybody should work on the Lord’s Day. He who does not work sins and disobeys God. Sunday work is a moral “must.” Superficially, the Fourth Commandment seems to forbid work. Not so. It forbids one kind of work and commands another kind. “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy” is the eternal, unchanging law of […]

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Women in Ecclesiastical Office

One of the issues which the Christian Reformed Church will be facing shortly is that of the propriety of “women in ecclesiastical office.” For decades this question has plagued churches throughout the world. After some initial resistance by those who dared to stand lip and be counted in the church courts, one denomination after another has […]

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It has been said that the example of the New Englanders in America and their success in converting the Indians to Christianity first aroused the energy of the Dutch for the conversion of the natives in Ceylon. A variety of motivations must have inspired Dutch ministers to sail to the East. Some came to gain experience and […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dordt – Lessons 30 and 31

LESSON THIRTY ART. 3. THE PERSISTENCE TO SIN INCAPACITATES MAN TO PERSEVERE. God Preserves the Saints There are three reasons given why a Christian cannot persevere in grace in his own strength. These arc indwelling sin, the temptations of the world, and the temptations of Satan. These three foes are too strong for a Christian […]

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