What differentiates Christianity from all other religions is the empty tomb. Christianity stands or falls with the resurrection of our Lord. No wonder that no fact of Scripture is more vehemently assailed. It would seem that the Lord anticipated this. Certainly, no other redemptive fact stands more indisputably attested. The various accounts of the resurrection as […]
AMERICA’S DAY IN SPACE Few Americans are unaware of what happened on February 20, 1962. As a matter of fact, it is probably correct to say that few people in the free world are unaware of the dramatic events of that day. On that day, in the open view of all mankind, America s successfully […]
Arise, rejoice, Lift heart and voice, For Christ is risen today! Has conquered night. Death holds no longer sway. An angel bright In raiment white Now hovers o’er the tomb; His message sweet Our hearts repeat, Dispelling fear and gloom: “He is not here, Oh, come draw near, For He is risen today!” Lift up […]
QUESTION: I will soon be out of my teens and some of my friends at the office are urging me to attend an evening Charm School with them. My parents are shocked that their daughter would even think of such a thing, and every time I bring up the subject we have an unpleasant scene […]
In a recent radio talk the pastor of a large denominational church in Western Michigan dramatically described the death of a six-year old boy in his congregation. Little Jimmy had been stricken with a fatal illness. Summoned to the hospital, where the child was being given every available medical aid, the pastor found him remarkably calm […]
The original title of last month’s excellent article by Dr. L. Praasma on the World Council of Churches mentioned only the Growth and Objectives of that organization. The writer felt that his article would not be complete unless he devoted some space to the Basis of the Council as expressed in its “affirmation of the Christian […]
Professor Emerson W. Shideler, in setting forth a Protestant doctrine of education,1 claims to have found the way out of the dilemma of teaching religion in the public schools. If we accept his conception of education as conscious training in making decisions, we shall not be forced to deny the authenticity of our religious claims […]
In the education issue of Christianity Today (2-27-61) Dr. Calvin Seerveld, professor of philosophy at Trinity College, is quoted at such length as to practically make up the editorial, “Marks of Christian Education.” This long quotation is from Dr. Seerveld’s convocation address. One sentence that impressed me reads: “Secularism stands to gain more suppression and […]
A. WHY? Why should we study the book of Revelation? 1 am writing this Outline February 20, 1962, a day long to be remembered because on it our country finally succeeded in putting a man into orbit. We are living in the space-age. In the opinion of many this is wonderful. But wonderful or not, […]
C. WHERE? Where shall we find the material we shall need in order to carryon this study? Perhaps the best way to answer this question would be to refer you to just one basic Commentary for each school of interpretation of the Apocalypse. You probably already have one or two of these books, and can […]