The decision referred to in the heading of this article concerns the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN). The request for our support of this united, interdenominational training school for native African ministers in our Nigerian field was the subject of much debate at and before the Christian Reformed Synod of 1959. That Synod decided, first,“ to […]
The documents on the Nigerian question that will come before the 1960 Synod differ from those that were discussed at last year’s meeting in this that the doctrinal implications of this important issue are not mentioned. We trust they will not be lost sight of in this year’s discussions. After all, both the consistent championing of […]
The theology just referred to is also far removed from the ideas which its leading proponent once entertained concerning our task as a church of Reformed persuasion. We have before us a printed copy of a beautiful lecture which Dr. Boer delivered on April 23, 1946, in the Ninth Street Christian Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan, […]
The earthly ministry of Jesus Christ terminated at Olivet. But from this we ought not infer that the ascension is the climax (and certainly not, as the Church with its present dramatizing of Christmas and Easter is tempted to make it, the anticlimax) in Christology. The ascension can be understood only in relation to the whole […]
Pentecost may be called without any qualification the greatest of our Christian festivals. On the day the Holy Spirit was poured out Christ began to send forth in great abundance the precious fruits of his redemptive work—and that for the entire church till the very end of time. That day was the first of the new […]
Once upon a time there was a robin who didn’t like to work for his daily rations. The story says that he made a bargain in which he promised to swap a feather for each worm he would receive. Day after day he got his living the easy way, until he had no feathers left. Thereupon […]
Now when conferences between denominations make headlines with unprecedented regularity, it would be surprising if no mention were made of the Roman Catholic Church. This massive group, totaling more than half a billion adherents, represents the majority of Christendom. All those interested in ecumenicity realize that without Rome’s inclusion the goal of a united Christendom can […]
It is well known that the writers of the biblical books sometimes depended for their knowledge of facts on ordinary sources of information, such as public registers, official chronicles and journals, genealogical lists, and other documents. Some of the genealogies and historical data found in the Bible were undoubtedly copied verbatim from such sources. Matthew Henry, […]
Few readers or writers will deny that the world in which we live is frenzied; and the age in which we live, mad. To keep as much of this foolishness out of our own lives as we can and to insulate our children to the utmost of our abilities requires both faith and wisdom. Knowledge of […]
It was only three and a half centuries after Brazil was discovered that the first missionaries arrived to evangelize that nation. Dr. Robert Reid Kalley, a medical missionary who had worked in Portugal, was now fleeing from a terrible religious persecution in an island called Madeira, where he was laboring. He came to Brazil in 1855 […]