“Sometimes, when I watch, as I do now, my beloved wife Sonia and our most beloved Matteo as they sleep, I wonder, how can he grow, as a true believer, in a country like Italy, in such relentless spiritual, social, and political decline? These are the thoughts of a new daddy, which become subjects of […]

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The Crystal Cathedral Megachurch Goes Bankrupt

Considering that Robert Schuller pioneered the current megachurch movement, the recent bankruptcy of the Crystal Cathedral is no small issue. Are we getting a glimpse into the near future for those megachurches that have followed Schuller’s paradigm for ministry? Just what is the current state of the megachurch movement? If the Crystal Cathedral is any […]

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Reformed young people may sometimes feel as though they are a minority in the world. However, after attending the Reformed Youth Services Convention in Newberg, Oregon, perhaps they felt like Elijah when he discovered that there were seven thousand that were still like him (1 Kings 19). Just fewer than seven hundred Reformed people gathered […]

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Bavinck the Dogmatician: The Doctrine of the Trinity (3)

Thus far my treatment of Bavinck’s view of election and covenant has been largely based upon what he teaches explicitly regarding these subjects in his principal theological writings, the four-volume Reformed Dogmatics and his popular summary of his dogmatics in Our Reasonable Faith. However, further light is shed upon Bavinck’s conception of the relation between […]

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By J. I. Packer and Mark Dever Published by Crossway Books, 2007 188 pages, $16.99 Available on One of my friends always makes fun of me for my hyperbolic tendencies.  I’m always saying that “this book is the best ever” or “he’s my favorite person in the world” or “this is the best coffee […]

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Book Review The Bookends of the Christian Life

By Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington Published by Crossway Books, 2009 160 pages, $14.99 Available on This little book is truly a great treasure.  Weighing in at only 160 pages and attractively bound in a compact, pocket-sized volume, The Bookends of the Christian Life might not look like much at first.  But it sure […]

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