Carr, Simonetta
- Practical Tips for Learning the Catechism
De Jong, P. Y.
- Instructions in the Faith – Some Pages from the Past
Doll, Jeff
- Book Review: Christians Get Depressed Too
Larson, Mark
- Our Prince and Savior, His Kingdom and Ambassadors
Lems, Shane
- Latter Day Saints: A Summary and Evaluation of Mormonism (2)
Oord, Wybren
- Bible Studies on the Life of Abraham Lesson 15: Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar Genesis 21:8–34
- Bible Studies on the Life of Abraham Lesson 16: The Ultimate Test or the End of Laughter Genesis 22
- The Lamb as a Shepherd
Roets, Jacques
- Teaching the Catechism
Vos, Brian
- Looking Above A Series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Everlasting Gospel Revelation 14:6–13
Ypma, Sheila
- URCNA Hymnbook Proposal: Gender-neutral Language?
- Book Review: Christians Get Depressed Too
Abraham, Genesis, Issac
- Bible Studies on the Life of Abraham Lesson 15: Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar Genesis 21:8–34
- Bible Studies on the Life of Abraham Lesson 16: The Ultimate Test or the End of Laughter Genesis 22
Joseph Smith, Mormanism
- Latter Day Saints: A Summary and Evaluation of Mormonism (2)
ascension, kingship, resurrection
- Our Prince and Savior, His Kingdom and Ambassadors
catechism, church order, education, faith
- Instructions in the Faith – Some Pages from the Past
catechism, education
- Practical Tips for Learning the Catechism
- Teaching the Catechism
gender neutral language, hymns, United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA), worship
- URCNA Hymnbook Proposal: Gender-neutral Language?
grace, heaven
- Looking Above A Series on The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Everlasting Gospel Revelation 14:6–13
lamb of God, Revelation 7:16 and 17
- The Lamb as a Shepherd