The Signs of the Times: Lesson Six, Part I – The Spirit of the Antichrists

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray.

Little children, it is the last hour; and as ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now have there arisen many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last hour.

Matthew 24:5; I John 2:18

The subject of the Antichrist is one that has aroused popular interest in the church since the beginning. During the times of the greatest distress this subject receives the most attention. Almost anyone can get a hearing if he speaks about Antichrist.

To say that thore is a great deal of confusion on this subject is putting it mildly. Some have looked for the Antichrist to be one person, others believe Antichrist may be revealed as an organization or institution. Many persons have been accused of being Antichrist.

We must remember that the Apostle John is thc only Biblical writer who uses the term Antichrist. It should also be noted that John does not mean thc personal Antichrist of the last day. When we speak of the Antichrist we usually refer to the “man of sin” spoken of by Paul in 11 Thessalonians 2:3. John uses the term to denote many who have rcvealed tJ1C antiehristian spirit. There have been many of these Antichrists. There arc many today, and their number will incre..’lse. We must not only realize that there will be an Antichrist at the end of time; we must also be able to reco&,rnize present-day Anticltrists.

The term itself also deserves proper attention. It is formed of the name Christ preceded by the Greek preposition ‘anti’ meaning either against or instead of. Naturally, the Antichrist will be opposed to Christ and his kingdom. However, Antichrist is not only opposed to the Christ, he also usurps his place. “Many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ.” Not only is Antichrist opposed to Christ, he is also the false Christ.

Before Jesus came into the world he was typified by various individuals during the Old Testament time. Think of David and Solomon, Moses and Aaron, etc. So Antichrist also has various forerunners before he appears in his own person. Different individuals have been accused of being Antichrist. These were proved not to be the eschatological Antichrist of the very last clays, but many of them had the characteristics of Antichrist. These were forerunners of that beast of sin who is to be revealed in the last days.

Both Jesus and John emphasize the fact that there are many such Antichrists. The church has often been so busy thinking about the nature of the future Antichrist that it did not recognize the Antichrists living among them. That is dangerous. There were already many Antichrists in John’s day. There are many today. These oppose the cause of Christ and they also seek to be substitutes for the Christ. These are leading many astray. Satan sends them as forerunners to pave the way for the man of sin. This method cushions the revolution at the coming of THE Antichrist. Satan mimics God in many ways. People were “demon possessed” while our Lord and his Apostles were on earth. This was an imitation of the incarnation. God sent various individuals to pave the way for his Son. Satan does the same for the man of sin. The false Christ, the Antichrist, is his final imitation of God.

The presence of these Antichrists is an indication that this is the last time, or hour. There is no further dispensation. God has sent his Son who has completed the work of salvation. Satan now uses every method and means to thwart God’s purposes. He comes with direct opposition—anti. He comes with bold substitutes—anti. It is no time to use subtle methods. The attack must be direct. There is no time to lose. Hereby we know that it is the last time. The original does not use the article with “last hour.” Thus, the nature of this time is emphasized, rather than its brevity. The Antichrists are becoming more bold all the time. Many people are ready to bring their worship and adoration to the Antichrist.




1. Did the types of Christ become clearer as the day of his first coming drew nearer? Do the present-day Antichrists typify the final Antichrist more clearly than former ones did? Specify.

2. Which aspect of the Antichrist is more dangerous—that he opposes Christ or that he substitutes for Christ? Explain.

3. Are anti-christian movements religious? Is Antichrist interested in banning religion or in setting up a false religion?