The Signs of the Times: Lesson Eight, Part II – Modern Totalitarianism

Revelation 13:1-10

Totalitarianism has reared its ugly head time and again during the history of the world. From the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt until the present day one power after another has sought to rule the whole world and exercise control over the hearts and lives of men. But this type of government has perhaps never been as prominent as it is today.

Government has, of course, been instituted by God himself (Rom. 13). Without government there would be chaos. However, the forms of government coming to the fore today are not established for the welfare of the people over whom they rule, but rather to satisfy their own thirst for power.

Totalitarianism is not satisfied to remain within the bounds of that area which has historically been assigned to government. It seeks not only to fill the normal functions of government but makes inroads into all phases of human life until it has control of all of life. Government has become all-powerful. Instead of people resenting this intrusion by government, they welcome it. Power is worshipped. As Revelation 13 shows, it becomes a worship of government and a worship of the devil. That is the fearful picture being shown us in various lands today. No god is to be worshipped except the state. Satan will not even condone pagan worship. Ancestor worship has been broken in China. Satan seeks to take God’s place and allows no rivals. This is totalitarianism.

Wherever true totalitarianism has come it is atheistic. This is its natural product. As the beast coming out of the sea blasphemes and considers nothing sacred, so does modern totalitarianism. As he made war on the saints, so docs modern totalitarianism. The church is its greatest enemy. The true church will not honor the state in the measure in which it demands honor. The true church will not worship the beast. Hence, the saints will be persecuted ruthlessly. When the world has been united under one power a concerted attack can be made on the saints,

How is it possible that government can obtain such power? Don’t people realize that all their freedom will be taken away? Are not the lessons learned in other nations sufficient to warn everyone of this menace? No; people are blinded. The sin of man finally slays him, The folly of sin runs its course and finally enthrones Satan as God, Now the unbeliever’s father, the father of lies, is in control. They did not want the Christ to rule over them, His bonds were to be broken and his cords were to be cast away (Psalm 2). But when Satan rules he proves to be a hard taskmaster,

In our own country we are being warned as never before about the threatening danger of communism, Communism is totalitarianism. We are warned that there: are many communists in our own land. We may well be on our guard. However, let us not be blind to the socializing tendency found in our own nation. Government must do everything. It is becoming more powerful all the time. People are being conditioned to view government as the great benefactor.

This is a sign of the times. Nations have been kept separate one from another since the time of Babel. A unifying force is sweeping over the world today. This kind of government is not satisfied to occupy the proper place of government, i.e., to uphold justice. No, it tramples justice under foot. It usurps the place of God!

Yet, though the picture is dark, the saints are also encouraged. God has placed a limit on the duration of the beast’s rule, He has also given us the assurance that his people will receive grace so that they win not worship the beast nor the dragon.



1. Is the social legislation of recent years a step toward the totalitarian state? Why do people desire this kind of legislation?

2. What can be done to combat Communism? Socialism?

3. People often vote for a party because they feel that this party can assure them of greater prosperity. They will vote for a party because “it does more for the people.” What do you think of this political view?

4. What is the relationship between Socialism and Communism?