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The Lodge and Church Membership

From its beginning the Christian Reformed Church has ruled, unqualifiedly and unalterably, that no member of the church could be a lodge member, nor remain in the church if later he joined the lodge. The presence of lodge members in the Reformed Church of America in 1857 became one of the major reasons for succession. For thirty years after the separation, until 1900, the Reformed Church in its Particular and General Synods was confronted with numerous protests against having lodge members in the church. Many people and some whole congregations left for the Christian Reformed Church because of this issue, and the unconvincing stand on it taken by the Reformed Church.

No Member of Church if a Lodge Member – In 1867 the CRC ruled that, “In examination by the consistory, the question shall always be put to those who desire to be received as members and be admitted to the Lord’s Supper whether they belong to any society bound by oath or solemn vow.” Later Synod reaffirmed this rule again and again. Furthermore, in the rules for church visiting the CRC requires each c1assis to inquire and report whether: “Consistory is aware of the presence in the congregation of members of secret societies, and if there are such, if they are dealt with according to church discipline” (Synod 1922).

CRC Growth Due to its Stand on the Lodge – During the early critical period of the growth of the Christian Reformed Church on American soil, the uncompromising stand against the lodge which it took. helped to “make” the church as far as numbers is concerned. This strict adherence to strong conservatism paid off. History shows that a revived Calvinism flowed in from the Netherlands of Kuyper and Bavinck, particularly into the CRC. And that, especially, because no church in the CRC fellowship anywhere in the U.S.A. ever allowed anyone to be in or to join a lodge and still retain his church membership. (Prof. D. H. Kromminga – The Christian Reformed Tradition, p. 121 fl.)

The Lodge a Religion – Now it is plain from the writings, teachings, and rituals of the lodge, that it is a religion. It is equally plain from them that it is a false religion which denies the Divine Trinity of the Bible, denies that Jesus Christ is Cod, and only Savior, and proclaims a salvation by good works. From the first the Masons denied these fundamental teachings of the Word of Cod. Masonry was founded in London in 1717. Other orders much in the same secret-society pattern, are the Elks, Knights of Pythias, Loyal Order of Moose, Odd Fellows, Woodmen of the World, The Crange, Order of Eastern Star. etc. All initiates are conducted through apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master Mason. and adoptive degrees, and are being brought to the “light” by rituals and moral teachings. Some prayers and teachings derive from the Bible. but only as the Bible is emblematic; that is, placed alongside of all other teachings and books of the world’s religions.

The Lodge an Anti-Christian Religion – The lodge offers a religion which it claims goes beyond the Bible. “As the essence of aU religions, and the universal, naturalistic-evolutionistic expression of worship” (A. T. C. Pierson, Origin of Freemasonry). “So broad in its religion, claims the lodge, that the Christian, the Jew, and the Mohammedan in all their numberless sects and divisions may, and do harmoniously combine . . . with Buddhist, and Parsee, and Confucian and the worshipper of Deity under every form” (T. S. Webb, Masonic Monitor). “Freemasonry has taught that each man can by himself work out his own conception of God, and thereby achieve salvation” (J. M. Ward, Freemasonry, Aims and Ideals). “The Fundamental law of Masonry requires only a belief in a Supreme Architect of the Universe” (A. Mackey, Masonic Jurisprudence).

“We prefer to say: Masonry is not a religion, but Religion Not a church, but Worship, in which men of all religions may unite” (J. F. Newton Religion of Masonry).

These brief quotations from voluminous writings of Lodge men, clearly show it to be a deeply religious, anti-Christian worship, denying that the God of Holy Scripture is truly God and alone God.

The Lodge idea of “Universal Father” rejects the eternal Sonship and Godhead of Jesus Christ, who makes us sons of God through salvation in Him. The human speculations of lodge-ism are producing gods; but they are idols. The lodge says, Even man may become God, but surely that is not the God of the Bible.

The Lodge Mutilates the Bible – The “Order” adapts itself to the prevailing religion of any land. America being historically Christian, the Bible is used in the rituals, just as the Koran is used in Moslem Countries, and Buddism teachings in Oriental lands. Hence in the U.S. a veil of seeming Christianity is cast over the rituals of prayer and readings, and so the eyes of many are blinded to the real nature of Masonic worship. Frequently too, the name of Christ is left out of the “Masonic Ritualist.” Take p. 348 – it omits “Our Lord Jesus Christ” from II Thessalonians 3:6—the same for II Thessalonians 3:12.

A. Mackey the author says slight but necessary modifications have been made of the I Peter 2:5 passage by dropping the words “Through Jesus Christ.” The Lodge does not claim to be Christian, but the essence of all religions! What is distinctively of Christ is therefore removed, in order to be suitable for their humanistic rituals. No prayers are offered in the name of Jesus Christ. The Masonic Keystone etching is c1aimed to be “the stone which was set at naught of you builders, and which is become the head of the corner”; and the “Light” from which Moses shaded his eyes at the Burning Bush, the Lodge c1aims to be the light that shines in every letter of the Koran; and is the “light of Mithra the primitive people—ritual.”

This blasphemous misappropriation of Scripture in official teachings of lodge-ism shows its errors to be of such proportions as scarcely to be tolerated by or within the church which is the ground and pillar of the truth. No more effective method of deceit could be employed by the devil in our modern day, than the use of the quasi-Biblical and blasphemous worship of the lodge.

Wicked Moral Code of the Lodge – The “law” for masonry is not to be understood as the ten commandments of the Bible. It is the “Lox Naturae” or “Law of Nature.” This law has been purposely and wisely chosen. It is evident the lodge says, that any less universal “law” could not govern an institution whose prominent characteristic is its universality. Jesus’ precepts could not be made obligatory upon a Jew; Christians would deny the sanctions of the Koran, etc. (A. Mackey – Mason Jurisprudence, p. 502).

Masonic Ethics are experiential, humanistic, utilitarian. “These settle for us what to do.” They are final. “Wrong” is whatever hurts human life or destroys human happiness. There is no wrong, no right, but only what is “hurtful,” “helpful” (H. L. Haywood, Teachings, p. 39).

The Lodge follows this law of natural experimentation as its code for “brothers” and for its brand of justice and honesty. For his chastity the lodge member is only bound to fellow lodge members. He vows to help “brothers” regardless of what, even up to murder. However, he doesn’t have to practice purity toward strangers. Among them the code doesn’t prevent him from taking concubines if he wishes. The fearsome oaths of lodge-ism are themselves highly immoral, since they bind the conscience to things not yet known to the initiate, and bind him to the protection of unknown persons, and also bind him to secrecy by hideous curses, under threat of doing himself bodily harm.

Summary – Christians hold the Bible to be the only true and infallible Word of God. The Lodge mutilates, abuses, and levels the Bible to other religion’s sacred books.

Christians believe the holy Trinity-God revealed in Scripture. The Lodge exalts the Gods of all religions. Christians solemnly confess the Deity of Jesus Christ. The Lodge excludes Christ from their worship. Christians confess to a salvation by grace through faith in Christ. The Lodge substitutes a salvation by works and character. Christians cannot consistently hold membership in an anti-Christian institution, the Lodge, that flatly contradicts what the Gospel teaches as the way of life and salvation.

Renze O. De Groot is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church in Coopersville, Michigan.