In this issue of The Outlook we want to say thank you to our typesetter/graphic layout artist, Mary Van Der Aa, and our proofreader, Norene Aukeman.
Mary came to us as a new bride, full of enthusiasm and creative ideas for our journal. She has worked very hard to produce an attractive format through which to market our message. But she has now become a busy mom and feels the need to be relieved of the pressing deadlines which this job demands, and to devote herself completely to her home and family.
Norene Aukeman has been on board as our proofreader for a number of years. She has scrupulously searched copy with x-ray-like vision to discover errors of many kinds. We have deeply appreciated her work and the dedication she brought to her task.
Most of all, we thank God for these two women who served in these capacities out of love for their Lord. They have enhanced our work as a team, and from the bottom of our hearts we say a huge thank you to both of them. Farewell—may God bless you.
The editors conducted many interviews and collected many bids for Mary’s replacement. The board of Reformed Fellowship accepted the editors’ recommendation that we engage the services of the highly competent team at The Image Group in Holland, MI. We have seen many samples of their work and are excited about the new look they will bring to The Outlook. To The Image Group we say—Welcome!
It was in January, 1990, that we became the editors of The Outlook. The magazine had, for 39. years, adhered faithfully to its purpose stated on its masthead: “…to advocate and propagate this (Reformed) faith, to nurture those who seek to live in obedience to it, to give sharpened expression to it, to stimulate the doctrinal sensitivities of those who profess it, to promote the spiritual welfare and purity of the Reformed churches and to encourage Christian action.” It had focused closely on the Reformed denomination with a mostly Dutch heritage. We knew that, as editors, we were embarking on very troubled waters in that denomination.
Much has happened in ten years. Many who eagerly read this magazine for updated information and guidance, have now moved on to different denominational affiliations. But we must never stop growing personally in the Spirit. We must never stop working together as Christ’s body to defeat the cause of Satan in this world even if we function in different Reformed denominational contexts. There are people with strong Reformed convictions, of different ethnic and geographical roots, to be found in other Reformed and Presbyterian denominations. There has been a significant amount of writing and speaking about the need for everyone of Reformed persuasion around the world to forge a unity which will be a visible demonstration of the unity for which Christ prayed in John 17, and to wage a formidable battle against the “powers of darkness” in this world.
For these reasons, The Outlook will be devoting its pages more to “strengthening the stakes,” (fortifying Christians in their personal, daily walk with Christ), and “enlarging the tent” (Isaiah 54:2), (crossfertilizing its readers with articles from authors in a variety of Reformed bodies), so that we may get to know one another and experience the bond which unites those of like mind. The Outlook will also seek to “enlarge the tent” banning Christians for their interaction with those in this world who craft beliefs and practices which militate against the faith of the Bible, doing so with the prayer that many will be saved and the kingdom of Christ enlarged. An example of this is a woman who recently wrote us, asking for back copies of articles on homosexuality because her state was preparing to put “same sex marriages” on the ballot soon. We sent her an advance copy of the article that appears in this issue on this subject.
We pray that you will read The Outlook with this in mind, and be proud to offer it to your children, your churches, and yes, even your neighbors.