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Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1963

January 1963

“A true Church is the only Church which Christ uses and He alone is the hope of mankind.”

Keeping the Church a Church Alexander C. De Jong

“The greatest need of the hour is not to bring more men and women into the churches but to deepen the spiritual life of those who do belong, to prune church rolls of the dead branches and, through a church-wide proclamation of the unadulterated and undiluted gospel of divine grace, not only to bring new life into spiritually dead churches but also by means of faithful discipline to prune and purify them.”

Evangelism in Depth Program Henry J. Kuiper

February 1963

“We need every text in Scripture, and every chapter, and we need them all together in the wonderful unity which makes the sixty-six books of Scripture the Word (singular!) of God. And we need to let that one, whole Word speak in its every part.”

The Sum…Is Truth Nicholas B. Knoppers

“Calvin insisted that a religious organization purporting to be a Church submit itself to Scriptural testing before church union proposals be broached.”

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“…we must be ecumenically concerned or we will become irrelevant in our own times.”

Evangelical Ecumenical Movements John H. Bratt

“Only when we resist the temptation to display theological erudition and strive to administer God’s Word can we clearly understand the language of the Catechism which echoes in human voice the very Word of God.”

Preaching the Catechism Alexander C. De Jong

March 1963

“There is no place for me in the world except the place which Christ has given for me by the Father in answer to His prayer.”

Church and World John H. Piersma

April 1963

“…what you understand the Bible to be will determine to a large extent your approach to and interpretation of it.”

When the Bible Curses Elco H. Oostendorp

“…attempts at church union are, as a rule, put forth in an atmosphere created by latitudinarianism, that is to say, in that climate which is adverse to doctrine. We are passing through a period of indifference towards truth and doctrine today and it should surprise no one that just at this time ‘everybody’ clamors for church union. Liberalism and indifference towards doctrine must make for church union, for outward church union. Liberalismcan never conceive of a justification for separate denominations.”

Are Separate Church Denominations Justifiable Nicholas J. Monsma

May–June 1963

“Reformed theology is based, not on ecclesiastical tradition, nor on human reason, nor yet on religious experience, but solely on the objective Word of God.”

Is the Glory Departing? R. B. Kuiper

July–August 1963

“The common complaint is that ministers do not have time to make sermons. That is quite an anomaly. Imagine a physician saying that he was too busy to practice medicine.”

Ministers, Counselors, and Quacks Christian Huissen

“…a doctrine is useless if it does not become the springboard to effective action.”

Pragmatic Christianity Nick R. Van Til

September 1963

“Too many of us to all practical intents and purposes regard their denomination as the totality of the Christian church. In exercising ‘the communion of the saints’ we restrict ourselves to the members of ‘our church.’”

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“The truth is to be done as well as believed, believed as well as done.”

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“The church which today disparages Christian doctrine will tomor

row have no gospel to declare.”

A Satanic Assault on the Christian Religion R. B. Kuiper

November 1963

“’That whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have eternal life’ is not the condition of salvation but the assurance of it.”

Are Election and Evangelism Compatible? Allan Dykstra

December 1963

“…the church ought to be a harmonious symphony of tribute to God and His Christ. I don’t hear that kind of music when everyone may play his part according to a different score.”

I Am the Fourth Minister… Lambertus Mulder