Your editorial and the articles of Revs. P. De Jong and A. Bcsteman (Nov. issue), along with Rev. E. Heerema’s in the October issue of THE OUTLOOK were timely. I wish every family in the CRC could read them. They reminded me of the warnings sounded by the late Rev. H . J. Kuiper, Rev. C. Huissen, Prof. H. R. Van Til, and others. How right they were!
Today the CRC is traveling on the road to liberalism and has reached the point of no return. This liberalism, of course, brings with it other “isms” pragmatism, ecumenism, and Arminianism. The evidence is there for all to see in church and school.
Instead of “romancing” with those who want a fundamental change in the CRC, let us have a confrontation. Overtures and protests are summarily dismissed.
Your brother in the Lord,
Today the CRC is traveling on the road to liberalism and has reached the point of no return. This liberalism, of course, brings with it other “isms” pragmatism, ecumenism, and Arminianism. The evidence is there for all to see in church and school.
Instead of “romancing” with those who want a fundamental change in the CRC, let us have a confrontation. Overtures and protests are summarily dismissed.
Your brother in the Lord,