Index for Volume Eleven

Numbers 2 through 10; May–June 1961 to March 1962. (Due to a typographical error, issue number 1 was printed as issue number 11 of Volume 10. For articles in that number see Index of Volume 10.

The bracketed capital letters indicate the special feature departments of the magazine. They stand for the following: (PP) – Pointed Paragraphs; (TC) – Teeners’ Corner; (UCSP) – Under the Church Spires. These abbreviations are used for the sake of greater clarity and facility of reference.


De Jong, P.Y. – “The New English Bible” (UCSP), No. 2, Page 17; “And Where Can Wisdom Be Found?” (UCSP), No. 8, Page 12

Heerema, Edward – “Christ and Scripture”, No. 2, Page 20

Huissen, C. – “Dr. H. Boer and Infallibility Report”, No. 2, Page 3

Morris, H.M. – “The Bible and Theistic Evolution”, No. 9, Page 8

Palmer, E.H. – “Erroneous Scriptures?”, No. 7, Page 11

Stek, J.H. – “Interpreting the Infallibility Report”, No. 9, Page 10

Woudstra, M.H. – “Reformed Old Testament Scholarship Today”, No. 2, Page 10; “Progress in the Infallibility Debate”, No. 3, Page 27

Wyngaarden, M.J. – “Professor A. Noordtzij and Higher Criticism”, No. 2, Page 14

Young, E.J. – “Who Wrote Ecclesiastes?”, No. 2, Page 15


Vander Kam, H. –“Lessons on the Signs of the Times”; Lessons 1 to 2, No. 5, Page 16; Lessons 3 to 4, No. 6, Page 16; Lessons 5 to 6, No. 7, Page 15; Lessons 7 to 8, No. 8, Page 15; Lessons 9 to 10, No. 9, Page 20; Lessons 11 to 12, No. 10, Page 20


Collins, G.N. – “Be Still” (Psalm 46:10), No. 2, Page 2; “Wait Upon the Lord” (Isaiah 40:31), No. 3, Page 2; “Hearing His Voices” (Hebrews 3:15), No. 5, Page 2; “Partakers of Jesus Christ” (Hebrews 3:14), No. 6, Page 8


Huissen, C. – “Operation Abolition” (PP), No. 7, Page 5; “Does Our Seminary Need a President?”, No. 8, Page 10

Kuiper, H.J. – “About the Appointment of a Seminary Professor”, No. 2, Page 6; “Seminary Professors as Synodical Advisers”, No. 2, Page 7


Greenway, L. – “Devolution of Delinquents” (PP), No. 2, Page 3; “About Dresses, Hairdos and Conservative Homes” (TC), No. 7, Page 10; “Our Over-protected Children” (PP), No. 10, Page 3

Monsma, N.J. – “Ichabod” (PP), No. 8, Page 4;


Billings, M. – “Your Letter is a Ballot”, No. 5, Page 7

De Jong, P.Y. – “Reading Maketh a Full Man” (UCSP), No. 8, Page 12; “The Perils of Prosperity” (UCSP), No. 10, Page 14

Greenway, L. – “As We Grow Older” (PP), No. 2, Page 3; “Am I a Self-centered Person?” (TC), No. 2, Page 19; “Nothing Comes of My Prayers” (TC), No. 3, Page 26; “He Mistrust Her – Should They Marry?” (TC), No. 4, Page 24; “Fails to Cultivate His Gifts” (TC), No. 9, Page 13; “Todays Sex-mad World” (PP), No. 10, Page 6

Heerema, Edward – “The Christian and the Secular Press”, No. 7, Page 19

Huissen, C. – “Sunday Entertainment” (PP), No. 9, Page 4

Kuiper, H.J. – “Of Course, We Should Love Ourselves” (PP), No. 5, Page 4; “The Sabbath – A Day for Retreat” (PP), No. 9, Page 4; “Do We Still Have a Holy Sabbath?” (PP), No. 9, Page 5; “There is Only One Holy Day” (PP), No. 9, Page 6

Piersma, J.H. – “Christian Progressivism” (PP), No. 10, Page 3

Murray, J. – “Labor as a Divine Vocation” (PP), No. 4, Page 4

Van Dyken, P.L. – “If Thou Wilt Fall Down and Worship Me”, No. 6, Page 20

Van Til, H.R. – “Giving and Getting” (PP), No. 2, Page 4; “Labor Day – A Biblical Approach” (PP), No. 4, Page 4


De Jong, A.C. – “Henry Van Til – In Memoriam”, No. 6, Page 4

Heerema, Edward – “Report on Infallibility”, No. 2, Page 5

Holtrop, C. – “The Synodical Prayer-Service” (PP), No. 3, Page 24; “Operation Abolition (PP), No. 7, Page 5; “Does our Seminary Need a President?”, No. 8, Page 10; “Uncommitted Delegations to Synod” (PP), No. 10, Page 5

Jonker, A. – “The Bible is Not Honored in the Christian Reformed Church”, No. 2, Page 29

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Appointment of a Seminary Professor”, No. 2, Page 6; “Seminary Professors as Synodical Advisers”, No. 2, Page 7; “Financial Support for Westminster Seminary”, No. 2, Page 8; “Dodging Issues”, No. 3, Page 24; “Forgotten Ministers”, No. 3, Page 25; “Was This True Conservatism?” (PP), No. 4, Page 3; ”A Reformed Witness in High Place” (PP), No. 4, Page 6; “Which Communion Form?”, No. 5, Page 14; “Henry R. Van Til: 1906–1961”, No. 6, Page 3

Kuiper, R.B. – “The Christian Reformed Church: A Sleeping Giant?”, No. 7, Page 7

Leetsma, R. – “Examination for Candidacy”, No. 2, Page 6; Examination of Candidates for the Ministry” (PP), No. 4, Page 3

Monsma, M. – “Do Classes Have Authority Over Consistories?”, No. 6, Page 13

Palmer, E.H. – “Why Not Authorize All 3 Communion?” (PP), No. 6, Page 6

Piersma, J.H. – “Catechizing our Youth”, No. 5, Page 8

Van Til, H.R. – “Men for Missions” (PP), No. 4, Page 5; “Was Jesus Reformed? – Faith Versus Works?” (PP) No. 5, Page 4

Woudstra, M.H. – “Progress in the Infallibility Debate”, No. 3, Page 27

(Several authors) – “Report on the 1961 Christian Reformed Church Synod”, No. 3, Page 3

Classis Eastern Ontario of the Christian Reformed Church: “A Letter on Capital Punishment to the Canadian Prime Minister”, No. 4, Page 7

(A Symposium by 12 Christian Reformed Ministers): “Which Communion Form Do I Prefer and Why?”, No. 4, Page 12


De Wolf, H. – “Is Psalm 1:1 Applicable?” (PP), No. 10, Page 4; “Ecclesiastical Antiques” (PP), No. 10, Page 6

De Jong, P.Y. – “Straws in the Wind?” (UCSP), No. 2, Page 16; “Behind the Iron Curtain”, (UCSP), No. 2, Page 18; “The Cat Comes Out of the Bag” (UCSP), No. 4, Page 10; “Just Who is a Liberal?” (UCSP), No. 5, Page 12; “Hearts Open to the World” (UCSP), No. 5, Page 13; “Sandwiches for Men’s Stomachs” (UCSP), No. 10, Page 14; “Crocodile Tears in the Churches” (UCSP), 10, Page 15

Greenway, L. – “A Tale of Two Churches”, No. 2, Page 9

Holtrop, C. – “Stewardship of Membership” (PP), No. 9, Page 3

Huissen, C. – “So Your Church is Vacant”, No. 4, Page 8; “Home Visiting – Source of Blessing” (PP), No. 5, Page 3; “Christmas in a Time of Crisis” (PP), No 7, Page 3; “Sunday Entertainment” (PP), No. 9, Page 4; “Short-Short Story”, No. 6, Page 6

Kuiper, H.J. – “Defection in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church” (PP), No. 6, Page 8; “A Great Hymn Was Born” (PP), No. 8, Page 3; “The Sabbath Day for Retreat” (PP), No. 9, Page 4; “Do We Still Have a Holy Sabbath?” (PP), No. 9, Page 5; “There is Only One Holy Day” (PP), No. 9, Page 6; “Can We Learn Something From the Assemblies of God?”, No. 10, Page 18

Kuiper, R.B. – “Middle-of-the-Roadism” (PP), No. 8, Page 4

Monsma, N.J. – “Distorted Prayers” (PP), No. 7, Page 3

Piersma, J.H. – “Historical Background of the World Council”, No. 9, Page 14

Praamsma, L. – “Guido De Bres: The Man of the Confession”, No. 6, Page 9; “Guido De Bres: The Confession of the Man”, No. 7, Page 13

Van Til, H.R. – “Giving and Getting” (PP), No. 2, Page 4; “Church and State in East Germany”, No. 5, Page 5


Eagerson, R.D. – “On the Neglect of Church Discipline”, No. 6, Page 2

Heerema, Edward – “Los Angeles”, No. 2, Page 8

Huissen, C. – “Home Visiting – Source of Blessing” (PP), No. 5, Page 3

Kuiper, H.J. – “Seminary Professors as Synodical Advisers”, No. 2, Page 7; “Which Communion Form?”, No. 5, Page 14; “Preserve and Increase Thy Church”, No. 9, Page 6

Monssma, M. – “Do Classes Have Authority Over Consistories?”, No. 6, Page 13

Palmer, E.H. – “Why Not Authorize All 3 Communion Forms” (PP), No. 6, Page 6


De Jong, P.Y. – “Behind the Iron Curtain” (UCSP), No.2, Page 18;“Men Without Souls” (UCSP), No. 4, Page 10

Kuiper, H.J. – “Deploring Communism and Condoning Socialism” (PP), No. 6, Page 6

Piersma, J.H. – “The Glory of Man or the Glory of God?” (PP), No. 8, Page 4

Van Til, H.R. – “Church and State in East Germany”, No. 5, Page 5; “An Estonian Looks at Communism”, No. 6, Page 11


De Jong, P.Y. –“Straws in the Wind?” (UCSP), No. 2, Page 16; “Crocodile Tears in the Churches” (UCSP), 10, Page 15; “Theology by the Teaspoonful” (UCSP), No. 10, Page 15

Greenway, R.S. – “World Council Meeting at New Delhi, India”, No. 8, Page 6

Kuiper, H.J. –“The Ecumenical Movement” (PP), No. 8, Page 5

Piersma, J.H. – “Historical Background of the World Council”, No. 9, Page 14

Praasma, L. –“Growth, Basis, Objectives of the World Council”, No. 10, Page 7

Church News Service – “Dr. J.D. Murch on the World Council” (PP), No. 8, Page 3


Byker, J.J. –“Something for Nothing?”, No. 10, Page 16

De Jong, P.Y. – “Reading Maketh a Full Man” (UCSP), No. 8, Page 12; “Protestant Doctrine of Education” (UCSP), No. 8, Page 13

De Jong, W.A. –“Public Aid to Christian Education”, No. 2, Page 27

Kuiper, H.J. – “The Modern Craze for Sport” (PP), No. 10, Page 5

Palmer, E.H. – “Separation of Family and State”, No. 10, Page 10

Piersma, J.H. – “Catechizing Our Youth”, No. 5, Page 8

Rooda, S. – “Pleads for Federal Aid to Christian Schools”, No. 6, Page 21

Schrotenboer, P.G. – “A New Protestant Educational Theory” (Part I), No.9, Page 18

Vander Werff, G. –“Tax Refunds for Christian School Supporters”, No. 7, Page 22

Van Mourwerik, J. – “America Needs Christian Schools”, No. 9, Page 23


Monsma, E.Y. –“Theistic Evolution and the Christian Conception of Things”, No. 8, Page 21

Morris, H.M. – “The Bible and Theistic Evolution”, No. 9, Page 8

The Presbyterian Guardian – “Evolution – A Satanic Theory” (PP), No. 7, Page 4


Heerema, Edward –“Report on Infallibility”, No. 2, Page 5; “Christ and Scripture”, No. 2, Page 20

Huissen, C. – “Dr. H. Boer and Infallibility” (PP), No. 2, Page 3

Kuiper, H.J. –“Dodging Issues”, No. 3, Page 24

Palmer, E.H. – “Erroneous Scriptures?”, No. 7, Page 11

Stek, J.H. –“Interpreting the Infallibility Debate”, No. 3, Page 27

Woudstra, M.H. – “Progress in the Infallibility Debate”, No. 3, Page 27; “Reformed Old Testament Scholarship Today”, No. 2, Page 10

Wyngaarden, M.J. – “Professor A. Noordtzij and Higher Criticism”, No. 2, Page 14


Heerema, Edward –“The Met Will Have a Season” (PP), No. 5, Page 4

Kuiper, H.J. – “Labor Union Perfidy” (PP), No. 6, Page 5

Murray, J. – “Labor as a Divine Vocation” (PP), No. 4, Page 4; “Labor as a Creation Ordinance” (PP), No. 4, Page 5

Van Til, H.R. – “Labor Day – A Biblical Approach” (PP), No. 4, Page 4


Boonstra, J.P. – “Number One Reason for Divorce” (PP), No. 10, Page 4

Greenway, L. – “Wanted: Better Wedding Music” (PP), No. 10, Page 13

Monsma, N.J. – “Ichabod” (PP), No. 8, Page 5


Greenway, L. – “We Want a Young People’s Man!” (PP), No. 5, Page 3; “But I Don’t Think He Will Come” (PP), No. 10, Page 3; “For Ministers Only” (PP), No. 10, Page 4

Holtrop, C. – “Churches Getting Ministers” (PP), No. 7, Page 3

Hughes, P.E. – “Minimizing the Teaching of Christian Truth” (PP), No. 10, Page 6

Kuiper, H.J. – “Forgotten Ministers”, No. 3, Page 25

Leestma, R. – “Examination for Candidacy”, No. 2, Page 6; “Examination of a Candidate for the Ministry (PP), No. 4, Page 3

Piersma, J.H. – “Catechizing Our Youth”, No. 5, Page 8

MISSIONS (also Evangelism):

De Jong, P.Y. – “Is the Church Mission?” (UCSP), No. 2, Page 17; “Knowledge Without Zeal” (UCSP), No. 4, Page 11

Greenway, L. – “Sounds Like Today” (PP), No. 6, Page 5

Kilpatrick, L.E. – “Reformed Literature for the Chinese”, No. 2, Page 28; “The Reformation Translation Fellowship”, No. 8, Page 23

Kuiper, H.J. – “Who Should Do Mission Work?” (PP), No. 4, Page 5; “Can We Learn Something from the Assemblies of God”, No. 10, Page 18

Mahaffy, F.E. – “Africa’s Challenge to Missions”, No. 8, Page 19

Richards, A.J. – “Resurgence of Interest in the Reformed Faith in Britain”, No. 7, Page 21

Van Til, H.R. – “Men for Missions” (PP), No. 4, Page 5


Gray, H.M. – (Letter to H.J. Kuiper), No. 3, Page 30

De Jong, P.Y. – (Reply to Dr. H. Gray), No. 3, Page 30


Hine, S.K. – “How Great Thou Art”, No. 8, Page 14

Kuizema, E.D. – “Come, Enter”, No. 8, Page 2

Mallock, D. – “The Teacher”, No. 7, Page 2

Walburg, S. – “Squares”, No. 8, Page 14


De Jong, P.Y. – “The Reformed Faith, What Is It?” (UCSP), No. 8, Page 13

Richards, A.J. – “A Resurgence of Interest in the Reformed Faith in Great Britain”, No. 7, Page 21


De Jong, A.C. – “Henry R. Van Til – In Memoriam – 1961”, No. 6, Page 4

Greenway, L. – “With Torch and Trumpet”, No. 8, Page 9

Kuiper, H.J. – “Henry R. Van Til – 1906 to 1961”, No. 6, Page 3; “Annual Report for 1960–1961”, No. 7, Page 5


Billings, M. – “Your Letter is a Ballot”, No. 5, Page 7

Byker, J.J. – “Something for Nothing?”, No. 10, Page 16

De Jong, P.Y. – “Christ in the Constitution” (UCSP), No. 5, Page 13

Heerema, Edward – “The Christian and the Secular Press”, No. 7, Page 19; “For Western Michigan Residents” (PP), No. 9, Page 3

Kuiper, H.J. – “A Reformed Witness in High Places” (PP), No. 4, Page 6; “Deploring Communism and Condoning Socialism” (PP), No. 6, Page 6

Palmer, H.J> –“A Reformed Witness in High Place” (PP), No. 4, Page 6

Van Til, H.R. – “Church and State in East Germany”, No. 5, Page 5

Classis Eastern Ontario of the Christian Reformed Church in Canada: “A Letter on Caprital Punishment to the Canadian Prime Minister”, No. 4, Page 7


De Jong, P.Y. – “Men Without Souls” (UCSP), No. 4, Page 10; “No Way Out of the Corner” (UCSP), No. 5, Page 12; “Theology by the Teaspoonful” (UCSP), No. 10, Page 15

Heerema, Edward – “Christ and Scripture”, No. 2, Page 20

Jansma, T.J. – “Thoughts on Christian Psychiatry” (PP), No. 6, Page 7

Klooster, F.H. – “Karl Barth on Christmas”, No. 7, Page 8

Monsma, E.Y. – “Theistic Evolution and the Christian Conception of Things”, No. 8, Page 21

Morris, H.M. – “The Bible and Theistic Evolution”, No. 9, Page 8

Murray, J. – (Book Review): Berkouwer’s “Divine Election”, No. 5, Page 20

Rushdoony, R.J. – “History, Prophecy, and God”, No. 3, Page 26

Van Dyken, P.L. – “If Thou Wilt Fall Down and Worship Me”, No. 6, Page 20

Van Til, H.R. – “Faith Versus Works” (PP), No. 5, Page 4

Van Til, N. – “Faith and Reason” (PP), No. 9, Page 3; “Broken Cisterns” (PP), No. 10, Page 4

Woudstra, M.H. – “Reformed Old Testament Scholarship Today”, No. 2, Page 10

Wyngaarden, M.J. – “Professor A. Noordtzij and Higher Criticism”, No. 2, Page 14

Presbyterian Guardian – “Evolution: A Satanic Theory” (PP), No. 7, Page 4


Greenway, L. – “Devolution of Delinquents” (PP), No. 2, Page 3; “Am I a Self-Centered Person?” (TC), No. 2, Page 19; “Nothing Comes of My Prayers” (TC), No. 3, Page 26; “He Mistrusts Her – Should They Marry?” (TC), No. 4, Page 24; “About Dresses, Hairdos, and Conservative Homes” (TC), No. 7, Page 10; “Fails to Cultivate His Gifts” (TC), No. 9, Page 13; “Today’s Sex-mad World” (PP)

Piersma, J.H. – “Catechizing Our Youth”, No. 5, Page 8


Archer, G.L. – “Jerome’s Commentary On Daniel” by Peter De Jong, No. 2, Page 31

Bavinck, J. H. – “Flitsen En Fragmenten” by H.R. Van Til, No. 5, Page 24; “Introduction To The Science Of Missions” by H.R. Van Til, No. 6, Page 22

Bayne, P. – “Exposition Of Ephesians” by R.O. Zorn, No. 2, Page 30

Berkouwer, C. – “Divine Election” by John Murray, No. 5, Page 20

Blauw, J. – “De Weg Der Zending” by P.Y. De Jong, No. 6, Page 24

Clarke, E.A. – “The Comprehensive Bible Concordance” by H.R. Van Til, No. 3, Page 32

Clowney, E.P. – “Preaching And Biblical Theology”, by P. Y. De Jong, No. 4 Page 24

De Jong, A. C. – “What I Confess” by G. W. Knight III, No. 5 Page 24

De Jong, P. Y. – “The Church’s Witness To The World” by C. Huissen, No. 7 Page 22

Doan, E. – “Speaker’s Sourcebook Of 4000 Illustrations” by H. R. Van Til, No. 3 Page 32

Gear, F. B. – “Basic Beliefs Of Reformed Faith” by G. W. Knight III No 5 Page 24

Green, Jay and “Peter” Palmer: “Children’. King James Bible” by H. R. Van Til, No. 2 Page 30

Henry, C. F. – (Cons. Editor): “The Biblical Expositor” by H.R. Van Til, No. 2, Page 32

Jones, D. M. L. – ”Studies In The Sermon On The Mount” (vol. 2) by F.E. Mahaffy, No. 8 Page 24

Jones, R. F. – “Seven Words TO The Cross” by C. Huissen, No. 4 Page 23

Kik, J. M. – “Matthew 24” by C. Huissen, No 7 Page 23

Kuiper, R. B. – “God-centered Evangelism” by L. Greenway, No. 10 Page 23

Kuyper, A. – “Near To God” by A. Van Hoff, No. 6 Page 24

Loane, M.L. – “17th Century Makers Of Religious Freedom” by H.R. Van Til, No. 6 Page 22

Luthi, W. and Thurneysen, E. – “Preaching, Confession, And The Lord’ Supper” by P.Y. De Jong, No. 2 Page 32

Monsma, M. – (Editor): “Daily Manna Calendar for 1962” by H.J. Kuiper, No 7 Page 24

Mulder, Dr. H. – “Hoofdlijnen Van Lucas 2” by G.W. Knight III, No. 4 Page 23

Murray,· C. E. – “Bunyan’s_Christiana’s Progress” by H.R. Van Til, No 5 Page 24

Murray, J. – “Epistle To The Romans” by G.W. Knight III, No  6 Page 23

Rotherham, J. B. – “The Emphasized Bible” by H.R. Van Til, No 3 Page 32

Taylor, W. M. – “Joseph The Prime Minister” by H.R. Van Til, No 6 Page 23

Van Baalen, J. K. – “When Hearts Grow Faint” by C. Huissen, No 7 Page 23

Vander Velde, F. –“Christian Home And Family living” by H. R. Van Til, Page 2 Page 31

Van Riessen, el al. – “Christian Perspectives – 1960” by G.W. Knight III, No 4 Page 22

Van Til, C. – “The Christian Scholar” by P. Born, No 7 Page 23

Veldkamp, H. – “De Twee Getuigen” by P.Y. De Jong, No 8, Page 24

Volbeda, S. – “The Pastoral Genius Of Preaching” by P.Y. De Jong, No 7 Page 24

Whitcomb, J. G. and Morris, H. M. – “The Genesis Flood” by E.Y. Monsma, No 5 Page 23