A Look at Books


September 1, 1970 will be the date of another publication by Reformed Fellowship, Inc. This publication will be the 164 page book by Dr. Russell Maatman, The Bible, Natural Science, and Evolution.

Reformed Fellowship, Inc. has already published several other books, among them Crisis in the Reformed Churches, essays in commemoration of the Synod of Dordt, and edited by Dr. P. Y. De Jong.

Dr. Maatman is Professor of Chemistry, and chairman of the Division of Natural Science at Dordt College. Sioux Center, Iowa. I-lis new book will contain 15 chapters dealing with the very timely and important subject of the relation of Scripture to the Natural Sciences. Some of the chapter heads are Has the Bible Helped Science?, Concerning Evolution, The Bible on the Age of the Universe, Science on the Age of the Universe, Biological Evolution, The Bible on the Origin of Man.

This book will meet a great need for responsible scholarship in the area of Biblical interpretation and understanding of the problems that confront students and parents alike in a day of greatly expanding knowledge of the natural sciences. The book will be much appreciated in Reformed circles. To get your copy of this book, write to Reformed Fellowship, Inc., P.O. Box 7383, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49510.