Church & World December 2000

The board of Reformed Fellowship and The Outlook was recently honored to receive a request from the Riga Reformed Theological Seminary for permission to translate two of Dr. Venema’s books into the Latvian language: But for the Grace of God (a treatment of the Canons of Dort), and What We Believe (a treatment of the […]

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The Beauty of Reformed Fellowship

This was a speech delivered at the conference of World Reformed Fellowship. When we speak of Reformed fellowship, we are speaking of the Church, the Koinonia, the communion of the saints, the elect, those who were once “no people” but now are known as “the people of God.” Let us focus on the doctrines of […]

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A Glorious Mystery Revealed to the Gentiles: Christ in You

This is the second morning devotional Pastor Buys delivered at the World Reformed Fellowship Conference. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 This is one of the most amazing statements of the New Testament. It […]

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