Church Order Articles: Intro 1 – Church Polity

The Idea of Church Polity The careful definition of terms is helpful in any consideration of a topic. “Polity” is defined as “a particular form or system of government,” and, when added to the noun “church,” gives a phrase meaning “the science of church government” or “church government.” Identifying principal truths of the Holy Scriptures, […]

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Church & World January 1996

Former Christian Reformed Congregations Federate to Form “Fellowship of Uniting Reformed Churches” LYNWOOD, IL (November 27, 1995) URNS — After eleven meetings over a period of ten years, most of the 55 independent congregations in the Alliance of Reformed Churches have decided they want to “federate” into a new denomination. What the federation will look […]

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Church & World November 1996

TWO MORE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCHES SECEDE In two unconnected votes, Bethany CRC in the Chicago suburb of South Holland, Illinois, and Franklin Lakes CRC in New Jersey have both seceded from the denomination. In Bethany, South Holland, only 14 of over a hundred votes cast indicated a desire to remain in the Christian Reformed denomination, […]

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Aaron’s Oil and Mountain Dew

A Report of Classis Midwest of the United Reformed Churches in North America Psalm 133—Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. […]

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The 2nd synod of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) convened on Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 1:30 p.m. at the Trinity Orthodox Reformed Church, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada. Delegates from 57 churches were present as well as fraternal observers and many visitors. Although the majority of discussions and decisions at this Synod […]

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What’s Coming Up for Synod

Preview of CRC Synod Rev. Halan Vanden Einde The 2001 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church is scheduled to begin on Saturday, June 9, 9:00 A.M. at the Fine Arts Center on the campus of Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI. Election of officers, finalizing committee assignments, and advisory committee meetings will occupy the delegates time […]

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A Word of Greeting to the URCNA Synod

Esteemed brothers! It’s a pleasure for me to be able to address you on behalf of the Canadian Reformed Churches and to extend the fraternal greetings of these churches to you. We’ve been visitors at your synods ever since you formed a federation, and we have made no secret of our keen interest in your […]

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What Happened at Synod?

United Reformed Churches in North America 2001 Synod Report Three o’clock in the morning the alarm rang. It was time to get ready for the URC Synod in Escondido, California. The forecast for flying was sunny. The forecast for Synod was not as promising. Different parts of the Agenda for Synod had been greatly debated […]

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Classis Summary

Classis Michigan United Reformed Churches September 10, 2002 A lovely drive in the country brought the delegates of Classis Michigan to the Grace United Reformed Church in Alto, Michigan for their eleventh classis meeting. Joining us at the meeting were several emeritus ministers, Rev. Zach Anderson of the Seventh Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, and […]

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