Studies in the Canons of Dordt

This completes the Studies on the Canons of Dordt.  We wish to thank Miss Timmer for her efforts to make this beautiful confession of the Church alive with the warmth of the Reformed faith. We pray that God will use these studies for a greater appreciation at Scriptural truth in our day. LESSON THIRTY-TWO ART. 10. […]

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The Armor of God: Being Strong Against Satan

The Armor of God: Being Strong Against Satan “Why are you called a Christian?” (Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 32). We are because we bear the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 11:26; 1 Pet. 4:16). Not only does this name mark us out positively as followers of Jesus Christ, but also it marks us out negatively—as targets […]

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The Armor of God: Your Defense Against Satan

The Armor of God: Your Defense Against Satan When a pastor looks out over his congregation, he should see not only sheep who follow their shepherd but also soldiers who follow their captain. The devil, though, wants the preacher to see his people merely through his physical eyes. He wants the preacher to see what […]

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