LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT ART. 15. THE GRACE OF REGENERATION IS AN UNMERITED GIFT Unworthy The grace of regeneration is a gift of God. That is wonderful. The wonder increases for us, however, in proportion to our realization of our unworthiness of the gift. God who is in no wise obligated to save us, saved us! Without […]
Throughout this series of articles on the Canons of Dort, I have been emphasizing that they affirm two closely related and fundamental themes of the gospel. These are: God’s sovereign and gracious work. in the redemption of His elect people, and the comfort this work affords the Christian believer. Only the gospel of God’s free […]
In Isaiah 14:12–15, we read words that are addressed historically to the King of Babylon. In this passage, he is presented as a type or figure of the arch-enemy of our faith, namely, the Devil himself: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star (KJV – Lucifer), son of the dawn! You have been […]