Evaluating the “Other” Berkhof

This review is about a Dutch theologian with a well-known name. His name is Berkhof, but his theology has little in common with that of our well known Louis Berkhof. In fact, while Hendrikus Berkhof quotes from hundreds of theologians, there is not one reference in the index to his American namesake. Perhaps this is […]

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The Berkhof We Don’t Remember (2)

In our May issue, we started a series under this same title. Our readers may remember that we quoted from an old volume Subjects and Outlines by Louis Berkhof who wrote in outline-form for young people. Some of these theses of this spiritual stalwart are not above criticism. At the same time, they are reminders […]

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Book Reviews

RENAISSANCE TO REFORMATION, by Albert Hyma. Published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., 1951, 591 pages, price $6.00. Sometimes we like to think of the Reformation as striking transalpine Catholicism with the precipitate abruptness of a flash flood. Luther’s tack hammer reverberates like thunder in our ears. Hyma says, Not so! The movement […]

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