Jonah and Noah, Drawings by Friedd Steinmann, text by Dieter Kohl. 63 pages in each. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. $1.95 each. Reviewed by John Vander Ploeg. Translated from the German by Cornelius Lambregtse, these two 63-page booklets by Dieter Kohl (text) and Friedd Stein· mann (drawings) retell the familiar Bible stories about Jonah and […]
You know what it is like to travel in a circle. It is never a good sign when you begin seeing landmarks for a second time on the same trip. After a bunch of lost time and effort you have to start off again from the same spot. Jonah had a similar experience, but he […]
The story of Jonah takes off quickly. We meet the main character. We overhear God giving him an assignment. We watch him reject his calling and head in the opposite direction. From this point everything goes wrong. We know the end of the story. Jonah endured a terrifying storm. He was cast overboard and swallowed […]