Any evaluation of the new perspective on Paul faces a number of daunting challenges. Since a considerable part of the argument for a new approach to the teaching of the apostle Paul rests upon E. P. Sanders’ historical reconstruction of the pattern of religion known as “second temple Judaism,” some evaluation of this reconstruction is […]

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‘Works of the Law’, Human Inability and Boasting In my previous articles, I noted that, in order to evaluate the claims of the new perspective regarding the interpretation of the apostle Paul, we need to begin by considering three distinct, though related, questions: First, what does the apostle Paul mean by the language of “works […]

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Christian Zeal

People are zealous about many things in their lives: sports teams, business, politics, family, hobbies, and a whole host of other things. We live in a culture that would have us hide our Christianity, or at least put it on the back burner until Sunday, and in church only. This is not what the Lord […]

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