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Pastor Danny Hyde previously wrote Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children, published by Reformed Fellowship, Inc. In this his latest book, he explains why we should include our children in our worship services. It is a sixty-nine page book with three chapters: Children’s Church or Children of the Church?, Children in Worship […]

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Why Church Membership Matters

“It’s not a salvation issue,” the saying goes, “so why do Reformed churches make such a big deal about becoming a church member? Isn’t it just a piece of paper? Can’t I get all the same benefits of the church without joining it? Are you saying a person can’t be a Christian unless he or […]

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So, Your Minister Took a Call

In a morning worship service you have just heard your minister communicate to the congregation his acceptance of a call received from another congregation. As a serving elder you were aware of this situation and, with your fellow elders, you have to face a unique situation and decide what needs to be done and in […]

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What Is a Three-Year-Old Doing in Church?

What is a three-year-old doing in a church service? Really, it can seem hard for a thirteen-year-old to gain something from the service, so why bring in a young child? Isn’t there a better place for children? They might be disruptive, so maybe mom and dad should take turns staying home with them, each coming […]

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A Layman Lauds His Pastor

We laymen have many obligations to our pastors. We must pray for them, and most of us do. We must check up on their preaching and teaching after the manner of the Bereans, who, having heard the apostle Paul, searched the Scriptures daily to make sure he was right (Acts 17:11). Most of us are […]

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The Duty of Discipleship: Edifying the Church Intergenerational  Christian discipleship is deceptively simple. When spiritually mature people convey their piety to others, discipleship is taking place. The good news is that discipleship doesn’t require scientific studies, tactical gurus, or expensive materials. But here is the bad news: if either ingredient is lacking—spiritual maturity or the […]

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