LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT ART. 15. THE GRACE OF REGENERATION IS AN UNMERITED GIFT Unworthy The grace of regeneration is a gift of God. That is wonderful. The wonder increases for us, however, in proportion to our realization of our unworthiness of the gift. God who is in no wise obligated to save us, saved us! Without […]
LESSON TWENTY ART. 9. THE PURPOSE OF ELECTION PROGRESSIVELY ACCOMPLISHED. The Price of Election The purpose of election proceeds “from everlasting love towards the elect.” I am writing this during the week before Christmas. How incomprehensible is the love of God towards the elect! His own Son had to come into the flesh, had to satisfy every […]
PART TWO THE DEATH OF CHRIST AND THE REDEMPTION OF MEN THEREBY OUTLINE OF PART TWO Art. 1. Divine justice requires either: a. Punishment of sin, or b. Satisfaction for sin Art. 2. Infinite mercy provides the divine way of satisfying divine justice. Art. 3. Death of the divine Son is the perfect sacrifice and satisfaction […]