Turning Point in CRC-OPC Inter-Church Relations

For many years there has been a relatively close relationship between the OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian Church) and the CRC (Christian Reformed Church). For thirteen years a special committee of the two denominations has even been laboring to achieve the goal of union between them. Since the last Christian Reformed Synod dismissed its committee for such […]

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A Vote for Apostasy

The Southern Baptist Convention, numbering almost twelve million members, is the largest Protestant denomination in North America. Until recent times it has had the reputation of being one of the most orthodox of the larger church bodies. Evangelical Christians everywhere may well note with regret the ominous direction the denomination is now taking by a […]

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The Bible in Missouri

To our Reformed churches in their present discussions about the authority of the Bible it should be interesting to observe similar controversies in other circles. The big Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is being torn by one of them. This traditionally evangelical denomination has a remarkable history. Gaustad’s Historical Atlas of Religion in America summarizes it in […]

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