This completes the “Testimony” of which the first half was printed in October. The “Testimony” is the result of long discussion and a year of work by a committee and has been endorsed by over 40 Christian Reformed ministers who say that it expresses substantially their convictions on major issues that confront our churches today. […]

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For a long time members and friends of Reformed Fellowship have felt that the time has come to state succinctly and yet fully the positions which we believe to be biblica and confessional over against the many deviations which confront us. Certain of our brothers in Northwest Iowa were found ready to try their hand […]

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Marriage in the Scriptural Context

There are books (often small in size) which over the years become very precious for a preacher. One of these for me is B. Holwerda’s The Significance of Covenant and Church for Marriage, Family and Youth (De Betekenis van Verbond en Kerk voor Huwelijk, Gezin en Jeugd, 1958)—a collection of speeches and articles spoken and […]

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Should the CRC Eliminate Reprobation from the Creeds?

Rev. John H. Piersma is pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. His article deals with the teaching of Reprobation as this is found in the Doctrinal Standards of the CRC, and with a communication from Dr. Harry Boer about this, to be considered at Synod. This matter may be found […]

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Most readers of this journal know that Professor Harry Kuitert of the theological faculty at the Free University, Amsterdam, is not distinguished for his adherence to anything conventional or traditional. My personal impression when visiting a few of his classes about three years ago was that he enjoyed little more than to startle his students […]

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: Following an introductory sentence which states, “On the basis of data found in Scripture we can assume the following so far as the intermediate state is concerned . . .” the Rev. J. Piersma writes, “We ought not to think of our children as children should they be taken by death [italics, J.P.I. They […]

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Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine

LESSON 17 The Last Things Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:20–28; 51–54; Revelation 21:1–5 Main Dines of Reformed Doctrine is a series written by Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Chrisitan Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. This series, concluded in this issue, was designed specifically for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. […]

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Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine

Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine is a series written by Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. This series is for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. Two lessons appear each month. Scripture Readings: Ephesians 1: 15–23; Revelation 19:6–10 It appears as if we need […]

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