Inflation is a Moral Problem

Corroborating the point of this article is an editorial by Marvin Stone on the concluding page of the March 23, 1981, U.S. News and World Report entitled “A Nation of Thieves?” Mr. Stone quotes the observation of William M. Werber, retired business executive, that “economists are on the wrong track in treating inflation as an […]

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Time to Break Fellowship

A recent meeting of Classis Grand Rapids South by a vote that was one short of being unanimous decided to overture the Christian Reformed synod to sever our relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the GKN (Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland). Grounds: A. The decision of the GKN regarding practicing homosexuals, together with its clarification in response […]

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“Tired of Fighting for the Bible”

Hans Rookmaaker, son of a well-to-do non-Christian family was converted through reading the Bible in a Nazi prison camp. He later became professor of Art History at the Free University of Amsterdam and an associate of Francis Schaeffer in working with university students. His work, Modern Art and the Death of a Culture, published by Inter–Varsity […]

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Reformation by Silence or Publicity

From one of our old friends in Canada we have received the following letter. It refers to a very serious issue, and concerns the policy of THE OUTLOOK. The Editorial Committee suggested it be taken up in an article instead of being placed as a letter. October 27, 1980 Dear Sir, In the September Outlook […]

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Educational Double-Mindedness

An Alumnus’ Indictment One of the most perceptive analyses of our basic educational problems I have ever seen was made last spring by a Calvin College alumnus, Stephen Krosschell (now in law school), in the March 21, 1980 issue of Calvin’s student newspaper, Chimes. The writer found and called attention to a basic contradiction in […]

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Quotas and Christian Giving

Confusion About Quotas From time to time questions and discussions arise among us about our churches’ “quota” system of giving. Whereas in some areas of the Christian Reformed denomination it has long been considered normal that poorer churches and classes contribute only part of the “quotas,” in other areas the failure of a church or […]

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A Kingdom Mission (VII)

One of the important issues about which there is increasing confusion and division in our churches is that of what we may call “our kingdom mission.” That covers, broadly speaking, our relationships and behavior in the world. Let’s again consider side-by-side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view and (2) the emerging, changing broadening view held […]

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The Condition of Real Freedom

“If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” “If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:31, 32, 38). July 4 is commonly considered to be our nation’s birthday. That was the […]

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A Godly Life

These articles are an effort to focus attention on some basic issues which trouble our churches, by presenting side-by-side (1) the historic, Biblical Reformed view, and (2) the emerging, changing, broadening view held by many in the churches. This article deals with a godly life. (1) The Biblical Reformed View God’s Word teaches us that […]

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What’s Coming Up at the CRC Synod?

Each year the OUTLOOK prints an overview of the materials which require the attention of the Christian Reformed Churches’ June synod. This year the printed Agenda is somewhat shorter than usual although it still includes 435 pages –more than most consistory members who obtain copies will ever read. A summary may be useful to them […]

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